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jump to the end of the longest track

Submitted by tmp on Thu, 03/31/2022 - 21:44
Control Surface Studio User


as written in the topic I want to jump to the end of the longest track (and even better: to the next even bar after the longest track) in the arrangement view by the press of a button. The reason is that I want to start a new recording without overwriting already recorded material.

Is this possible somehow?

Thanks in advance!

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello tmp,
If you create a Reaction and set the song length as the current song time, you will be able to move to the last position in your timeline. (see screenshot)

I know you aren't asking for my opinion ;-) but my two cents on this:

  1. Are you already familiar with comping? Although it can be more restricting because of its loop-based nature, it has a lot of merits. I have a feeling this would be way more handy and tidy. --> https://www.ableton.com/en/manual/comping/
  2. If you want more freedom and flexibility, it is also very easy to do just that with the "Trigger Session Record" in the Session view. (see screenshot) Each time you record something, One simple push of a button and Live will take the next free slot to record on. Then you just simply drag the clip(s) you like into Arrangement view, where you can put it anywhere you want to. Also when you are recording in the Session view, you can still 'play' along with what you already have in the Arrangement view if you want that.

Hope these tips can help you out.