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json file ?

Submitted by Blair on Sat, 01/19/2019 - 11:30
Control Surface Studio User

Hi where do i find these json files for different controlers? all the ones in live seem to be pyc and dont work in control surface studio?
I have a vcm 600 can it be re mapped?

2 Responses


Pro User

The json file will be created by the app. But first you need to build a script from scratch with the app, than there will be a json file within the downloaded script for future changes without building it from scratch again.

Forum Admin

Hi Blair,

Due to Control Surface Studio being so new, we haven't had time to dedicate building Controllers ready for use.
You can however, build them yourself in the Controller Manager (that's what it is for).
Everything you see in Live is nothing to do with our App so won't work with it.
