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Json file reimported has error

Submitted by Image_Engine on Thu, 08/20/2020 - 06:02
Control Surface Studio User

I exported a simple example surface script and wanted to import it as an exercise to check on integrity. When I try to reimport the file, it has an error coming up saying 'Not a json file'.
I checked and it doesn't seem to have any errors that I can see but before moving on, could someone check and see if it simply will import without error?

If I create a simple script and hook it up, there are not publish errors.
If I export eg Akaimix, I don't get the errors back on import?


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17 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

EDIT: If I modify the example Akaimix, export and reimport, it does also in fact bring up an error.

Forum Admin

It imports fine for me, you're trying to import it as a controller template and not a script right?

Control Surface Studio User

1. I export akaimidimix as eg "akai_midimix_3.json": No errors
2. Import the same file in the control surface section and see attached pic

Control Surface Studio User

Also: I can import the templates directly from remotify but If I download one to my local computer first and then import, I also get the error

Forum Admin

Hmmm, akai_midimix_3 imports fine for me too.
Which operating system are you using?

Control Surface Studio User

W10 64
I notice to when viewing the json that the line feeds dont format the file so it views correctly...when i look at other examples, they follow the normal indentations etc. The css json just feeds across the page.

Control Surface Studio User

Actually are you on a mac by any chance?

Control Surface Studio User

and here are some example files

1. (json_cssexport) Direct export viewed in notepad++ editor (which has parser/formatter) but runs without CRLF
2. (json_example) Imported directly from web example; runs correctly
3. (export-CSS) is a file I exported, converted to csv and then exported again to json;

hope that helps

Control Surface Studio User

I apologise for the long list of replies...if I can find out how to summarise and delete...Ill do it immediately.
Installed on 2 machines
1.- w10 64 B 17134.164 - (Graphics & Web Workstation)
2 - w10 64 B190141.450 (Live Music - Touchscreen Asus Laptop)
and reimport does not work

Installed on another
3 - W10 64 B18362..836 (DAW, minimal services and dependencies ie stripped out)
and it works fine???

Surely there must be some other issue. I downloaded direct into downloads, ran directly from there after allowing execution.

PS Ignore the format in Notepad++; my error, json has to be manually actioned to display vs most other scripts which auto format.

Forum Admin

The error "not json files" displays when the file type being imported is not equal to "application/json".
I will check your files on a windows machine and let you know if I discover any issues.

Forum Admin

Yes I can confirm that the Windows version of CSS is unable to import json files.
I will send you a link to a fixed test version we have just uploaded now.
Please can you try it, if this is fixed we can roll it into an update.



Control Surface Studio User

Great...seems to be working fine. Thanks.
Strange that it worked on my DAW...last thing I thought would as its so minimal. On the other machines...json was linked to Max MSP

Forum Admin

Awesome, thanks for the quick response.

Control Surface Studio User

The import does work fine, but now when I publish eg this very simple script, I ge the error in the pic

upload files: 
Control Surface Studio User

Forgot the source files

Control Surface Studio User

I rebooted my machine, renamed the file and seems to work ok now...hopefully.

Forum Admin

"Publish", Do you mean when you install the script?