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Instrument Racks and Vertical Navigation

Submitted by Vaultnamesae on Sun, 06/25/2023 - 18:28
Control Surface Studio User

So, I can set up a knob to scroll left to right though a selected instrument within an instrument rack. But I can't figure out how to scroll from top to bottom (or in reverse) through various instruments in a rack. Is there no command for this?

I've used the selector chain in the past in Live (before purchasing Remotify) but was never really all that thrilled with it as a solution. Perhaps it is better when integrated with Remotify.

What's the best practice to be a able to navigate the instrument rack both horizontally and vertically?

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello Vaultnamesae,
By scrolling vertically, I presume you mean scrolling through the chains.
On top of my head, there are three ways to do that, I'm pretty sure there are more ways.

  • Assigning the chain selector to each chain and then using the instrument rack device parameter number (9 for live 10 or 17 for live 11) to scroll through the chains.
  • Using dummy clips; assign each chain dummy clip to a chain, and select the chain you want by selecting the according dummy clip (this is visually very handy, you can name and color the clips)
  • Since each chain is represented as a track within a track group, you could enter the track group, and select the track (=chain in this case) you need

Hope this gets you in a direction that serves you.