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Impossible to export because of "user has no license"

Submitted by maro on Wed, 05/24/2023 - 11:05
Free User

I purchased CSS a few month ago,
and was able to export to Ableton fine back then.
Sadly, I was not able to solve my issue with CSS back then,
so I put it aside and did not use it for some while.

Now I have a new use case for it, so I wanted to check it out.
When I log in, the app greets me with the lock symbol on the top right unlocked, saying "License is active", and the export buttons are also unlocked/clickable, see screenshots.

But when I click export "into Ableton Live", it will show a red message on top right, saying "Error. User has no license."

I am aware that version 2.7 has changed a lot of the UI and introduced a whole load of bugs, and a lot of people stated different problems, partly because of the changed and counterintuitive UI, and partly because of new bugs. But besides all thes newly introduced problems, the app seems to work for a lot of you, right?

So the main questions I have are:
1. Does anyone else encounter this problem, were you are not able to export because of "User has no license"?
2. Is there a way of -completely- resetting the app? I already watched the video where the "Control Surface Studio" folder inside the user home directory is renamed/moved/deleted. I did rename the folder, delete the app out of the applications folder (on mac) and reinstalled it from the most recent dmg(which, I think, still has the same content saying version 4.2.2 on top).
But even after deleting the settings folder and app (which deleted all my scripts), I am still greeted with my previously saved username and password. These settings seem to be stored somewhere on my mac, and maybe this settings storage is also causing the license problem?

Best regards


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1 Responses


Free User

For those who might have the same problem: Deleting the folder /Users/--own username--/Library/Application Support/angular-electron did solve the issue.