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Import not working

Submitted by aklisiewicz on Sat, 04/10/2021 - 06:18
Free User

I just purchased this program and having bad start.

Is this a bug ?

I just copy/paste some JASON data from one of the posts with the settings. Saved a file with my Notepad with JSON extension (Windows10) and then tried to import. Program shows selected file but when I click IMPORT nothing happens.

upload files: 
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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi, upload the file here which you tried to import and I can check it :)

Free User


I am getting pretty frustrated my controller template keeps disappearing. I lost it once already, recreated it and then made sure to export both the mapping and the controller template. I then lost it again. I tried importing the controller template but the import button did nothing.
Can you please help?
