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I Got The Track + 1rst clip within it to change color index but cant select another track

Submitted by BobLoblaw on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 04:08
Control Surface Studio User

I got a Track + 1rst clip within it to change color via my MF Twister Knob but cant select another track the same way we do for for solo mute etc

No Matter what I do I cant get it to select other tracks and clips.

I have attached the scrips

I have a few other cool ones I made that is mostly stuff I found here that I slightly improved I'll be sharing soon,

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hi BobLoblaw,

I just took a look at your script, it is set up to only be active on track 1 of Live.
You need to click the hand/finger symbol to select another 'track number' or maybe 'selected track'. That depends on what you want to do with your script.

Happy coding!