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How to open UI mode (8 parameters a t a time?)

Submitted by shaynehartnett on Wed, 03/21/2018 - 15:27
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User


Does anyone know how to open the UI that allows you to edit 8 parameters at a time. It's advertised on the features list.

Thank you.

8 Responses


Forum Admin
You just need to create a 'Device Parameter' mapping type to assign the 8 parameters to you midi controls, Then so you can bank through the groups of 8, create both a 'Device Bank Down' and 'Device Bank Up' mapping types. Thanks John
Pro User

Thanks John, if I want to use the 'Device Parameter' feature to map the volume for 8 tracks what would I do? I can see the UI but not sure where's I'd input 'Volume' as the function within the UI?

Forum Admin
Not a problem, to map volume for 8 tracks use the 'Volume' Mapping Type. You can create 8 of these for your 8 tracks. I would recommend using them with a Session Box so that you can move the around your Ableton Session. https://remotify.io/docs/session-box-20-updates-available-now
Pro User

Hi John,

Does that mean I have to programmes and save 8 volumes mapping’s one at a time? If not and I can save 8 volume tracks 8 at a time please can you provide the steps I need to take as I can’t figure it out. When I go into volume it only allows me to create and save one at a time. Thankss


Pro User

Yes, 1 at a time, I suspect with the "selected" volume mapping type times 8.
I am trgoing to try this (for the first time) to check if it works.

Pro User

Sorrie, I ment "Specific" volume mapping.
(To be continued,,)

Pro User

I was hoping I could do multiple at the same time in one UI. I need to map 6 different mapping types to 40 tracks! This is going to take me some time :(

Pro User

Success :)

@ shaynehartnett
Yeah, you will be using the Duplicate button for a few hours.
Hope it works out..