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How to move Session Box up & down? [Solved]

Submitted by pag on Fri, 01/18/2019 - 14:34
Control Surface Studio User

I can't find the options for position offset, Combination, and other Session Box navigation tools in CSS.
Am I missing something obvious ?


2 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Alright, I managed to get the navigation working. What I wanted to do is move the Box up and down with 2 buttons.
I created 2 Session Box Navigation mappings in my script
I set them so Scene, and Scroll
Then I set the Control to Custom (not "Default"), "Control type" Increment for 1 button, Decrement for the other, chose the buttons accordingly, et voila !
Hope this will help others.

Forum Admin

Awesome! thanks for explaining how to do it for everyone :)