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How to map multiple step ranges for one knob?

Submitted by jawalker213 on Sun, 02/17/2019 - 00:39
Free User

I'm trying to use one knob to hit specific values that I specify at 0, 16, 32 etc. Is there a way to have a min/max range for each of those steps with Control Surface Studio?

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3 Responses


Forum Admin


I'm pretty sure you could achieve this but would involve creating mappings for each of the points you want to hit.
Basically you would need to do it in groups of two, so say your first set of two is... 0 and 16.
1 Create a (Volume?) Mapping,
2 Set 'Snapping' to 'Off' (Important!)
3 Set Controller Input to your Knob as usual.
4 Keep Minimum 0%
5 Set Maximum to the point you want to hit at 16, let's say it's 20%.
6 Set 'Control' to Custom
7 Set 'First' to 0
8 Set 'Last' to 16
9 Probably requires Takeover Mode set to "None'

Create another Mapping the same as above except for:
4 Set Minimum to 21%
5 Set Maximum to, lets say 40%
7 Set 'First' to 17
8 Set 'Last' to 32


Free User

Thank you that is exactly what I needed!!

Forum Admin

That's great to know! :)
