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How to know which parameters will be controlled in a device? (Answered!)

Submitted by JR307 on Tue, 02/21/2017 - 02:19
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Greetings all, I would like to start by saying that I'm really enjoying using Remotify!
I was starting to dig into learning python for the sake of creating my own Midi Scripts and can I just say this is a major game changer! I've already made a couple little things for my Launchpad and messed around a bit with the Midi Fighter Twister as a mixer control - it's awesome!

However I am curious about a few things. I'm trying to create a device control mapping with my Midi Fighter twister (16x16 knob controller with 4 banks) specifically for controlling the instrument devices in Live such as Operator, Analog and Collision to give a more hands on approach to Synthesis. If I use a device parameter control mapping in Remotify, how can I know what Parameters will be affected? I know if I have macros set it will automatically control those. But when I use a parameter control mapping from Remotify on just the Operator device for example it controls the Filter Cutoff and Resonance (Parameter 1 and 2) The Coarse and Fine knobs on Oscillator A (Parameters 3 and 4) the Coarse, Fine, and Level knobs for Oscillator B (Parameters 4, 5, and 6) and then the Master Volume of the Device (Parameter 8) I would really like to be able to control things such as the Oscillator envelope and the envelope of the filters. I did do a device Parameter Bank mapping set to a specific track but it doesn't seem to switch through the parameters as expected. I figured that mapping the device bank controls to the selected track is a feature that's available in the Pro version of the App.

So my second question is: If I upgrade to the pro version of the App, which I'm really considering, are these additional features I will be able to map? Can I set up mappings to be able to control specific parameters or are they still going to be a specific set of controls - aka macros -?

Thanks a ton! I look forward to learning more.

Topic Category: 

13 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi JR,

Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad to hear that you're finding Remotify useful!
The functions which each device parameter controls per bank is set explicitly in Ableton's code. I've attached a copy of the file which lists what each bank controls for each device.
In the file, find the line which says: DEVICE_DICT =
Here you can find the abbreviation of the device name that you want to view the parameter settings for. Then search for the abbreviation and you will find the relevant list (i.e. operator = OPR_BANKS).
It's not possible to customise these settings via Remotify as they're set at a lower level than what our midi remote scripts operate on.

With regards to this comment:
" I figured that mapping the device bank controls to the selected track is a feature that's available in the Pro version of the App."
- Yes this is part of the pro version! :)

If you have any other question please let me know.



Forum Admin

here's the file.

upload files: 
Pro User

Hey John, thanks for the quick response! I think that text file will definitely help.

I just upgraded to the pro version and I'll see if I can use the info in that file to figure something out.


Forum Admin

Glad to have you on onboard and I hope the text file helps!



Control Surface Studio User

Hi John! Does the txt. file still relevant? The parameter numbers doesn't seem to fit with those indicated.

In this example below, does it mean that "Filter Type" should be mapped on parameter number 9 (knowing Live working with banks of 8 parameters)?

SAM_BANK2 = ('Filter Type', 'Filter Morph', 'Filter Freq', 'Filter Res', 'Filt < Vel',
'Filt < Key', 'Fe < Env', 'Shaper Amt')

Furthermore, only 64 parameters of the Sampler Device appear on the txt. file, while more than 100 are available on Ableton. Am I Missing something?



Forum Admin

Please try this new tool out which lists all Devices, their parameters and the parameter numbers for inputing into your mappings:

Control Surface Studio User

this list is awesome, all other plugins seem to follow this. however my abletons eq is screwd up. parameters of eq8 are all jumbled up, its not organized at all.
what could be the reason ? any idea for example my 1st encoder should control enable disable of 1st band of eq, but it controls overall gsin parameter 2ns know should control enable disable of second band but it controls something else. why is this happening ? my numbering of parameters is correct in css.

Forum Admin

Are you using Live 9 or 10?

Control Surface Studio User

live 10

Control Surface Studio User

hi, it seems that the last link is not up to date, at least for eq 8, do you know where I can found theses informations please?

Forum Admin

Can you check if these EQ Eight values are correct for you (live 10) please:

Device Name: EQ Eight
1. Output Gain
2. Scale
3. Adaptive Q
4. 1 Filter On A
5. 1 Filter Type A
6. 1 Frequency A
7. 1 Gain A
8. 1 Resonance A
9. 1 Filter On B
10. 1 Filter Type B
11. 1 Frequency B
12. 1 Gain B
13. 1 Resonance B
14. 2 Filter On A
15. 2 Filter Type A
16. 2 Frequency A
17. 2 Gain A
18. 2 Resonance A
19. 2 Filter On B
20. 2 Filter Type B
21. 2 Frequency B
22. 2 Gain B
23. 2 Resonance B
24. 3 Filter On A
25. 3 Filter Type A
26. 3 Frequency A
27. 3 Gain A
28. 3 Resonance A
29. 3 Filter On B
30. 3 Filter Type B
31. 3 Frequency B
32. 3 Gain B
33. 3 Resonance B
34. 4 Filter On A
35. 4 Filter Type A
36. 4 Frequency A
37. 4 Gain A
38. 4 Resonance A
39. 4 Filter On B
40. 4 Filter Type B
41. 4 Frequency B
42. 4 Gain B
43. 4 Resonance B
44. 5 Filter On A
45. 5 Filter Type A
46. 5 Frequency A
47. 5 Gain A
48. 5 Resonance A
49. 5 Filter On B
50. 5 Filter Type B
51. 5 Frequency B
52. 5 Gain B
53. 5 Resonance B
54. 6 Filter On A
55. 6 Filter Type A
56. 6 Frequency A
57. 6 Gain A
58. 6 Resonance A
59. 6 Filter On B
60. 6 Filter Type B
61. 6 Frequency B
62. 6 Gain B
63. 6 Resonance B
64. 7 Filter On A
65. 7 Filter Type A
66. 7 Frequency A
67. 7 Gain A
68. 7 Resonance A
69. 7 Filter On B
70. 7 Filter Type B
71. 7 Frequency B
72. 7 Gain B
73. 7 Resonance B
74. 8 Filter On A
75. 8 Filter Type A
76. 8 Frequency A
77. 8 Gain A
78. 8 Resonance A
79. 8 Filter On B
80. 8 Filter Type B
81. 8 Frequency B
82. 8 Gain B
83. 8 Resonance B

Forum Admin

Just to update this thread, our device parameters name/number list is now fully up-to-date with all stock Ableton Instruments, Audio Effects and Midi Effects.
Live 10 version: https://remotify.io/device-parameters/device_params_live10.html
Live 11 version: https://remotify.io/device-parameters/device_params_live11.html

Spore Sounds
Control Surface Studio User

I haven’t tried this yet, but wouldn’t an easy way to do this be to put operator in an instrument rack and macro the controls you want and make the instrument the device that you’re controlling?