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How to get a string representation from a device parameter value?

Submitted by Golden Frog on Tue, 01/03/2023 - 03:25
Golden Frog
Control Surface Studio User

I want to get the string representation from a device parameter value (not its float or int value) and display it in the log. I'm talking about the string string displayed in the device GUI in Ableton Live (like +1.5 db or 750 hz).

I see in Reactions there's not an action to get the string value in the Live Object Model. There is only "re enable automation" and "set value" under Device Parameter. So I look into this Live API: https://nsuspray.github.io/Live_API_Doc/11.0.0.xml

Under the DeviceParameter Class I found a str_for_value() method, just like re_enable_automation() which CSS has.

Is there a way to use this method in a Reaction? It supposedly returns a string, so I put something like this in the code:

parameter = self.song().view.selected_track.view.selected_device.parameters[1]
newValue = self.song().view.selected_track.view.selected_device.parameters[1].value

valueString =
self.song().view.selected_track.view.selected_device.parameters[1].str_for_value(parameter, newValue)

self.log_message("csslog: " + str(valueString))

But it gives me the error "Python argument types in " and nothing else. I also tried typing str_for_value() without arguments and gives me the same error.

How can I use this str_for_value() method in a Reaction to get the string?

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1 Responses


Golden Frog
Control Surface Studio User

OK, I got it. The method only needs one argument, not two. The argument is the float value of the parameter. It would be like this:

x = the number of the parameter

newValue = self.song().view.selected_track.view.selected_device.parameters[x].value

Then create a variable for the string (I'm abbreviating the path):

value string = {.....device.parameters{x}.str_for_value(newValue)

And then print it to the log:
self.log_message("csslog: " + str(valueString))