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How to create a "stop all clips" button

Submitted by danicroitor on Fri, 03/22/2019 - 16:45
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

I keep trying to figure this out but I seems that it does not work at it should.

I manage to create an "stop all clip" option but what is happening is that it cuts the midi signal from my midi keyboard. Witch is bad!!!
In Ableton if I press the " stop all clips " button it just stops the clips not the midi signal.

Is there anyway to replicate that with CSS?

I would much appreciate any help!

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2 Responses


Pro User

For some weird reason what I was looking for it work as long as I use a "play" option inside CSS and keep the settings from the screenshot above.

Forum Admin

You can add a stop all clips button in the Session Box Mapping Type