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Highlight Navigation Scroll Increment issue?

Submitted by Buster_Delmonico on Mon, 10/17/2022 - 02:32
Control Surface Studio User

I'm not sure this is actually a bug but there seems to be an issue when track-incrementing highlight scroll navigation. Maybe the issue is my understanding, maybe it's been reported before. (Maybe there are 3 bugs reported here)

Scene Highlight Navigation (up and down) seems to work as expected, but (scrolling the highlight right) track-incrementing the Highlight appears to jump the highlight (selected track?) to Master instead of next track, and then no subsequent clicks have any visible effect until the highlight becomes visible again by other means like mouse click or different script. then first click right in this scripts and the highlight "disappears" again.

The same issue might also be responsible for how the highlight seems to get "lost" when the same buttons move both the session box and the highlight (a single clip sized session box). Track-incrementing session box together with highlight doesn't cause a problem until the session box would move to a return track. Then the session box stays on the "last track", but the highlight jumps somewhere and gets lost again as above. (First click to move highlight right above has an issue, but if session is also moving right with the same button click event, then the issue doesn't appear until the button click would move the session box right onto a return track. "Session" knows how to stop at the last Track, but "Highlight" can't even go right once by itself.)

The attached test template is the APCMini default template, more or less, but the attached test script only maps 12 pads, the first six on each of the first two rows. If you think of the 12 mapped pads on the 2 rows as 3 square groups of 4 pads each... Then, the left group of 4 pads controls moving the session box only , the middle group moves the highlight only, and the right side group controls moving both session box and highlight together. I also attached a screenshot image of the "midi control tinker-toy software" button layout I used for my own reference for your reference too.

One other thing that might be relevant to reproducing the issue is that for whatever legacy reason "Track 2" (of 5) is selected by default when my "Default New Set" loads into Live (not Track 1). The 1x1 Session Box still loaded to Track 1 / Scene 1 when the session box should have actually loaded to Track 2 / Scene 1 in this set/session because "selected track".

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3 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Eyeballing the Python code produced by CSS processing the attached script, I see an indentation issue. I'm not sure how to communicate the location excepting quoting code. This is 25 lines from the pickup(self, cnfg, max_min): method in the ### CORE ### section

self.log("we were already in here")

if cnfg["previous_step_value"] < cnfg["current_position"] and cnfg["step_value"] > cnfg["current_position"]:
new_val = cnfg["step_value"]
found = True
self.log("pickup 4 found")
elif cnfg["previous_step_value"] > cnfg["current_position"] and cnfg["step_value"] < cnfg["current_position"] :
new_val = cnfg["step_value"]
found = True
self.log("pickup 5 found")
self.log("waiting for pickup")
if found is False:
msg = "remotify says: waiting for pickup " + str(cnfg["step_value"]) + " >> " + str(cnfg["current_position"])
return new_val
step_num = cnfg["step_num"]
step_value = cnfg["step_value"]
remaining_steps = cnfg["steps"] - step_num
new_val = cnfg["current_position"]
distance_to_max = cnfg["maximum"] - cnfg["current_position"]
distance_to_min = cnfg["current_position"] - cnfg["minimum"]
speed_to_max = 0
speed_to_min = 0
if cnfg["current_position"] >= cnfg["minimum"] and cnfg["current_position"] <= cnfg["maximum"]:

Every line of code in the pickup method below the bold line is inaccessible unless that return should be indented further or removed.

I guessed indent further because "if found is false" then skips the rest of the method. But that didn't resolve the issue with track-incrementing the highlight in Live. The Highlight in Live still jumps immediately from whatever highlighted track to the master track when clicking the "highlight nav right" controller button. (and then this script has "lost the handle" until the highlight reappears on screen due to some other action like a mouse click.)

Forum Admin


I'm not totally sure on the reason for your issues, but first thing to note:
With the navigation scroll issue increment/decrement, the 'steps' option found in the 'Control Override' section sets how many tracks/scenes to move by each time you press the button.
Try setting this to 1.

The indentation issue you mentioned:
self.log("we were already in here")

This is strange as the indentation in my scripts are correct;
self.log("we were already in here")

Are you using Live 10 or 11?

Control Surface Studio User

Live 10 on this computer.

The increment is set to 1, that is the desired behavior. Script is moving the highlight up, down, and left in correct inc/dec single steps. The problem is just incrementing the Track highlight right. After i noticed the behavior in one script, I wrote a completely new test script focused on it and the issue was still there. I'll check again.