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Global Mode

Submitted by infinitystairs on Thu, 09/17/2020 - 20:17
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Feature request: It would be nice to have a "Global Mode" or maybe "Mode 0" mapped to some of the controls on your controller, that persisted their functionality no matter what other modes are loaded. The work around right now is to duplicate the mappings that you want to persist across modes into each mode group. This gets to be pretty tedious when you get a large number of mappings.

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6 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

I have also requested this...i thought it was only the case with css? Ie webapp still uses mode 0?

Pro User

Ah, yeah its been a few years since I used the web app. I thought I remembered that was already a feature. Is this on the roadmap for CSS?

Control Surface Studio User

Not sure...

Forum Admin

"I have also requested this...i thought it was only the case with css? Ie webapp still uses mode 0?"
Yep that's correct.

Christian Björklund
Control Surface Studio User

Is this fixed? Otherwise, I found a workaround that works for my needs.

I simply split everything into two separate scripts, one for the knobs and stuff that I have that I don't want to be affected, and a separate script with the buttons setups using modes.

At first this didn't work, but then I also split the controller template the same way, then yey!

Of course both scripts need to be selected in the Ableton Control Surface list.

Forum Admin

nice idea!