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get_device_chain_target error (Fixed!)

Submitted by JohnC on Sat, 03/05/2022 - 14:58
Forum Admin
Control Surface Studio User

Hi all, We have just released a fix on the server which should stop you from running into the following error:

we cant currently handle device selectors of type: Called by config_module

As this was a fix on the server there's no need to update the app. Just install your script into Ableton.


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6 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Problem still exists unfortunately

daniel rowlinson
Control Surface Studio User

Hi, I am now getting this error. need help please

upload files: 
daniel rowlinson
Control Surface Studio User

follow on... here is my template

upload files: 
daniel rowlinson
Control Surface Studio User

and screen shot

upload files: 
Control Surface Studio User

I get this error constantly. A lot of bugging and closing as well.

Control Surface Studio User

Figured out most of my bugging was due to Midihub, a wireless midi host. Uninstall fixed a lot of my problems.