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Get "Send" values and names

Submitted by lukasmax on Sat, 04/02/2022 - 13:15
Control Surface Studio User

Hey, i am new to this wonderful place but i struggle to get something done.
How can i get the name and the value of the "Sends" of each track.

My Ableton set up has 3 Sends (Delay, Reverb, Saturator) for each track. I would like to set Send 1 as m1, Send 2 as m2 and Send 3 as m3. And then i want to send values via a encoder to the sends.

How is this possible?

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1 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello lukasmax,

How can i get the name and the value of the "Sends" of each track.
In short, for the first send:
for the second send:
and so on..

For your second question;
Am I right in thinking that you have 3 knobs or endless encoders on your Midi device that you want to use for outputting the send values?
If so, you might not even need to use modifiers. Following the screenshots here included you can dedicate a knob to a Send and it will always use the selected track to send the values to the Send. (just make sure you click on the 'hand with index finger extended' to select 'selected track', like in the second screenshot)

Let us know if this helps ;-)
Till soon.