
Hi, today I downloaded the last version of the Control Surface Studio and on my Mac M1 (running Monterey) the GUI of the program is not usable (see attached file). What can I do?...
Hiya, I’ve built a script using SendStorm as a base and am really happy with it. It works on a single bank....
im wanting to move my remotify setup to another computer. I've noticed that when I install remotify on my new computer it comes up empty with none of my scripts....
I am pretty sure remotify can't do this out of the box, but wondering if I could write some custom python to insert a plugin or device chain on a track, and by extension use a reaction loop to inse...
I am really surprised how difficult it is to get started with CS Studio. The app wont map to my Ableton directory. It is blank on the setup screen....
I am really surprised how difficult it is to get started with CS Studio. The app wont map to my Ableton directory. It is blank on the setup screen....
Last week Live has automatically updated to V11.2.7...
Hey guys, I am completely lost and really nothing is working. I am using a MacBook Pro 2020 (intel). K2: Latching Layers is on for every button and Midi Channel is set to 1....
I am searching for a way to control all the parameters on a few vst plugins, especially one with more then 500 parameters, has css found a way to get beyond the 128 parameter limit ? ...
Hi, Does someone know if it is possible to have a finer resolution for device parameters?...
i have 2 launch control XLs and two launch controls combined together making up a 16 channel mixer with 5 sends. i currently just midi map it....
Is there a listener for something like 'all tracks playing status'?...
