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[fixed] Volume.

Submitted by done84 on Wed, 10/16/2019 - 01:09
Control Surface Studio User

Is there a way to control Volume with an Encoder that sends CC in relative control type with only 2 values (1 and 127)?

With absolute control type o-to-127 it works fine but i was hoping theres a way to use a Single Knob in different modes that could control Volume in a mode and track Selection in another mode.

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10 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

I have a related question that hopefully won't be a diversion from the original poster's intent...
No matter what combination of options I select, I can't seem to get an endless encoder to control track functions like volume or sends. The Remotify website says that an endless encoder, "works exactly the same as 'Knob' inputs types, the only difference is how it is displayed visually in the MIDI Controller Area." However, I find that a "Knob" or "Slider" work perfectly for volume and sends, while "Endless Encoders" are useless in this department. Can someone please provide detailed settings for how to do it?

Forum Admin

Hi guys:

done84: yes you can control volume with a relative encoder. Just make sure that you are using the 'relative' control type and the left/right options are the values which your encoder send when turned. Note the 'step' option here as well, you can decide how many steps it takes to turn the volume all the way up and down.
Relative can be set for an input either in the controller manager or the script manager. Its best to set it correctly in the controller manager, you should only override this in the script manager/mapping if you need to do something funky for that specific mapping.

neil: this is correct, except for the visual display endless encoders should function exactly the same as knobs. I'm assuming you're setting the endless encoder exactly the same as a knob or slider, so its strange that it doesn't work for you.
Has anybody else experienced this issue recently with endless encoders?.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,
Your answer to done84 made me realize that I might be using the Script Manager (instead of the Controller Manager) to assign settings for my endless encoders. Maybe there are competing settings between the two "Managers" that are causing the problem. I'll check later today. In the meantime, can you shed a bit more light on the "correct" way to assign an endless encoder to something with a fixed range of values, like a volume or send? Relative or Absolute? Increment, On/Off, Steps, etc.? Thanks.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John, thanks for the fast reply.
My mistake was I assumed the number of Steps value had to match the encoder and be "1", I didn't realize it's supposed to be the total number of steps, thanks so much!

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,
Tonight, I spent a lot more time trying to get the endless encoders to work but was ultimately unsuccessful. I'll probably try a different midi device tomorrow, but I think I'm missing something. The most response that I can get is that the parameter (volume or send) will make a really small movement around the 50% line. I've tried every combination of settings. Everything else works perfectly. Knobs, sliders, pads and buttons are all fine. It's just the endless encoders that aren't working. I'm getting midi signal, it's mapped properly. It must be a setting but I can't figure it out. At this point, any suggestion, even if it's a wild goose chase, would be appreciated. Thanks.

Forum Admin


Please post a screenshot of your volume mapping in script manager and the endless encoder setting in controller manager.
Which Controller are you using?

Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,
I'm using the Behringer LC-1. I won't be able to post a screenshot until later today. As I said though, I tried countless combinations of settings in the Controller Manager and the Script Manager. Accordingly, I'm not sure which one of those unsuccessful settings you want a screen cap of. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to show me a screen cap of the "correct" settings?

Control Surface Studio User

Attached are some screen caps of various options that don't work for me. I also tried all of the "takeover modes," different "step" quantities, both "snapping" options, etc.

Control Surface Studio User

I was able to get the encoders working with the settings illustrated in the present attachment. The solution seems weird to me but at least they're working now. The LED feedback, however, is not working. Any ideas? Obviously, I already tried 0=off, 127=on. What you see in the attached screen caps are other variations that I tried without success.

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Forum Admin

Hi all,

We have fixed the issue with relative encoders. It seems that (as you stated) they wouldn't fire their attached functionality when turned. Installing scripts from now on should work fine for them so need to use increment/decrement.
