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[Fixed] This thing is so buggy

Submitted by rebbarth on Sat, 10/12/2019 - 13:57
Control Surface Studio User

Running into problems constantly. The latest super annyoing thing is , adding a mode selector in one mode and in another mode multiple selectors dissapear. Repeating the steps and it keeps happening.

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23 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Or the save button doesn´t work sometimes

Control Surface Studio User

Order of mode selectors keeps changing (without touching them). Doesnt make sense to me...

Control Surface Studio User

Another thing: i setup a mode for mixer controls. track 1 for vol, pan channel 1, track 2 the same for 2 and so forth. After that i have a very stramge behaviour happening. first fader changes volume on track 1,4,5,6,7,8. track 2 working as supposed. all the rest not at all.all settings checked multiple times..

Control Surface Studio User

i make complete reaktor instruments and th CSS seems super complicated in comparisson.

Forum Admin

Sorry to hear about these bugs you are experiencing. We are continuously improving the app, we will investigate your reported issues asap. Thank you.

Control Surface Studio User

This is true. This have been two month since i couldnt use the app. I saw that there was un update, so maybe things are better now! But yea, me too i came across various issues, that are sometimes difficult to reproduce. Some time you just close and re-open the app and everything works normally, but you cant see where the problem came from. This can be very little issues that pops from nowhere, and then dissapear forever.

Dont get me wrong, i strongly believe in this application and its power, Giving the opportunity to create MIDI scripts without learning python so more people could acces to this kind of flexibility into ableton is really a great thing. And the app is already doing an amazing job at it + it is really freaking intuitive to use it (if you dont take account of the issues faced in the process) as the layout is pretty well designed, and the tutorials videos that are given to the community are great and straight forward.

Even if its a small community, we can feel that remotify is alive and avolving by receiving a pretty constant support, and i think this the most important point.

But for now, adding the fact that the app is pretty expensive at its full price, i think it should be at least more advertised that at this state of development, the user could still face differents issues/bugs with the program. If im not mistaken i believe this is the reason you are giving a "30 Day Money Back Guarantee" right? But still..

Anyway, i wish the best for this app and hope that one day there will be a definitive solid build of it, so more people could step into it and enjoy what the amazing potential it have to offer!

Long live to remotify ;)

Control Surface Studio User

I´ve noticed that the copy function causes many problems like everything doubles in a mode (you selsect one and the double is also marked btw), or you copy the exact same thing but suddenly it generates a script error. Also if you want to avoid e.g. "Device1 copy copy copy copy copy" and start renaming also causes script errors.

But the copy function is of course crucial, so maybe you start working on that.

Forum Admin

rebbarth: we have been working on some fixes for the duplicate button which should fix the issue of it selecting the double (and then breaking). This will be in the next update, We will test the device issue you mentioned too.

Mathematics30: thanks for your thoughts, viva remotify ;p

Control Surface Studio User


Forum Admin

If you upgrade to 2.5.2 released earlier this week, this should be now be fixed.


Control Surface Studio User

Unfortunately the copy button still messes up the script. I have to not use it. Maybe you guys figure it out on a later update.thx

Control Surface Studio User

example: i copy a mode, nothing happens, only if i close and open view it shows up. But also 2 parameters move out of a mode where they belong somewhere totally else...

Pro User

I cant even get this to display correctly, it loads up after login and the menus are all messed up and barely accessible.

Forum Admin


Which OS are you on?
Also, could you send us a screenshot to help at remotify.io

Pro User

Windows 10

upload files: 
Forum Admin

Woa that is pretty messed up
Do you having running which could be blocking javascript or similar from running on your system?

Pro User

Sorry for late response, I will check further, I am running an external display.
no other applications have issues with display.
I have never had an application do anything that bad.

Pro User

Ok I figured it out.
I have 2 graphics cards. I had to run in on the better one. This is on Dell 7580 if anyone else has this issue. All good now.

Forum Admin

Thanks for updating, weird that you would need anything 'better' to run the app correctly.
The visual stuff is as basic as your average web page in a browser, maybe something else is going on with the other graphics card?

Control Surface Studio User

Hello. Just chiming in that I had some pretty glitchy behaviour yesterday in the latest version of CSS. A whole part of the tree duplicated, some items disappeared from the tree, undo would do even weirder things and start deleting things.

Luckily I had exported a JSON file half an hour earlier, as the software auto-saves broken tree. Eek.

Let me know if I can help in some way to debug. Happy to help. If it happens again I'll try and get some reproducible steps...

Forum Admin

Thanks for reporting, this does sound very odd. We will investigate.

Control Surface Studio User

I have the same issue as #20. The bug should be around dragging and dropping to rearrange things. After several drag and drops, deleting or adding things ended up doing those action to a completely wrong item. After the JSON get into that state and you save it you probably have to start over because the bug carry over in the file. Probably the ID system in the file is too brittle, make an auto linter that tidy up ID / check consistency on each save might be helpful.

Forum Admin

Hi guys,
Please try version 2.5.3 released today (6th July 2020).
We have made a lot of big improvements around the duplication/copy functionality as well fixing many small issues which were causing the type of bugs which you all have mentioned.
More details on the changes in this update can be found here: https://remotify.io/community/question/css-version-253-out