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[Fixed] Script Manager, not changing Controller

Submitted by Olever on Sun, 05/10/2020 - 00:51
Free User


I check your Software. I like it, but now I´m at a point where I think it doesn´t work correctly.
I have 3 Controller and want to connect them in the Script Manager to 3 different Scripts and now the Software doesn´t save it. When I change the active script it jump back to the first controller? Is this normal? Thanks

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3 Responses


Free User

I found it out. It´s a bug inside the software. When I build a second Controller from scratch it´s working fine. When I used a copied Controller, the Script Manager doesn´t remember the correct Controller and jump back to the first Controller. That´s not nice. Took me hours

Forum Admin

Hi Olever,

Sorry to hear about your problem with this and thanks for reporting.
I've just tested it and yes this happens for me also. I've made a note of this for fixing in a future update.

Forum Admin


This issue regarding copied controllers not staying attached in scripts has now been fixed in version 2.5.3, released today (6th July 2020).

