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Feature request: use scripts in remotify

Submitted by Delgul on Sat, 04/22/2017 - 12:10
Free User

I have been looking at your app with much interest lately. Although I am perfectly able to write my own scripts I would rather be using Ableton for making music instead of programming my controller. The awful way in which remote scripting is documented does not help, so remotify seems like a good way of programming my controller without having to dive deep into the code.

However, for my purposes I need scripting that goes deeper than just mapping buttons. I do things like but not limited to:
- tracking song position of the selected track (or overall position when no song plays in that track) and lighting up leds for every bar, using different colors for the downbeat.
- blocking the "stop track" functionality as long as the track still outputs sound giving the stop button a different color when that is active.
- auto selecting the running or next song when changing tracks, depending on the time you hold the track selection button.

Although most of those things can be done in Max for live, I have found that scripting these functionalities gives a much better response times and more implementation freedom. And frankly, programming and maintaining these things in Max is a horror compared to the few lines of code actually needed.

What I would need is a way to add my own subroutines to the remotify script and a way to set them off on load or binding them to a button. Preferably multiple scripts at the same time. I would also need to be able to set certain listeners to activate functionality depending on certain preset conditions.

Are any of these functionalities planned for the future?

1 Responses


Forum Admin


Thanks for getting in touch and glad to hear that you're interested in the App.

It sounds as though your requirements go a lot deeper than the functionality we have and are developing in the near future.

However, if wanted to use remotify for your base script, I'd be happy to advise you on where you can add your own custom code so you can take advantage of our functionality along with your own.

