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[Feature Request] Mapping active/inactive

Submitted by matthewjschultz on Fri, 12/24/2021 - 18:44
Control Surface Studio User


It would be great to have an active/inactive (on/off, uncommented/commented, etc.) switch for mappings within scripts. It could either be to the left of the gear icon or as part of the config's header, i.e., Mapping Type, Mapping Name, Mapping Status: active/inactive.

If inactive, a mapping would appear gray in the list.

CSS takes a ton of iterative develop cycles to learn, script, debug, etc. A lot of the time I'm setting something, deploying the script, resetting Live, and then validating that what I thought would happen… happened.

Sometimes I want to remember something or play with a different version without overwriting what I previously did. If I could have iterations of the same mapping in the script and enable only the one I'm working on, it'd be like commenting/uncommenting code in any programming language.

Another idea is to allow individual line items within each discrete mapping to have an on/off state. Right now I can only add or delete steps; if I want to remember what I did previously, I have to write it down before deleting it. It'd be great if I could have iterations inside of a mapping and pick what I want to run.

I'm sure this isn't a new idea, so please add my +1.

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6 Responses


Christian Björklund
Control Surface Studio User

Totally, I was surprised I couldn't find a way to do this. I just read that the JSON language doesn't allow commenting so I guess that could be the reason?

I added a dummy script to move stuff into back and forth for now, not really the same but sort of works.

Control Surface Studio User

CSS could store a key/value pair in the JSON to indicate status and if inactive, skip generating the python for that mapping.

Forum Admin

Yes this would be a handy option to have when developing scripts.
We have made a note of it for investigation.
It would probably work how you matthew mentioned with a true/false option in the json, when set to false the mapping is skipped during script generation.

As a work around for now (and kinda mentioned above) you could add a mode in your script called 'inactive' which you can move mappings to temporarily so they're not added in the mode you are using.
Or duplicate the mode your working on and remove any mappings which you want to omit in that version.

Control Surface Studio User

John, thanks for the suggestion on the workaround. I didn't get Christian's workaround because he said a diff script, but when you suggested the inactive mode strategy, that clicked and is workable for now.

Christian Björklund
Control Surface Studio User

Ah yes, a separate mode makes a lot more sense. Still learning the basics here, but it's good fun! :)

Christian Björklund
Control Surface Studio User

...and oh I forgot to say - the reason I used a separate script for this was that I have reactions that uses "script is initialized" as listener and they will run no matter what mode they live in, just good to be aware of.