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Feature Request: light up LEDs

Submitted by phranky on Wed, 10/25/2017 - 10:29
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hey John,

I'm looking for a very simple feature: I just wanna light up certain LEDs on buttons, that I custom mapped via the instant mapping function of Ableton.

Up to now I've done that by creating a MIDI track with a clip sending notes, but in a live set this is very unhandy (it's stops playing by launching scenes or hitting the Stop All button). I've even added an arpreggiator which constantly retriggers once played notes via the chord trigger and hold modes, but every Note On causes a flicker on the LED of my controller. And this LED status is also overridden by a dynamic remote script.

So I think for you it should be easier to add a mapping option that just lights up an LED in a custom colour, also with a on/off or button pressed feedback.

Would be thankful to have it :)
Thanks in advance!

6 Responses


Forum Admin


To light up a specific button on your controller you can use:
midi_bytes = (0xB0 | 1, 28, 0)
Change the midi_bytes to the correct message for youe button.
Attaching them to specific events is where it gets complicated.

Pro User

the problem, phranky, is that John's script can only attach the LED color to something that the script is doing.
Most of the places that's possible, Remotify allows you to input the color for the event (clip events; stops and arms and A/B Assigns and even Solo and Mute.

As I understand it, you want to press a button - that you've mapped using "Midi Mapping", and when you do a light turns on, or changes color or whatever.

While it's pretty easy for him to add "change color here" there is no Midi event to attach it to for your purpose. Your Midi event is captured by Live's Midi mapping, not by Remotify's script - so it's not something that is as easy as you think to add a trigger for. Let me explain:

Say Remotify's script captures the button press - "Oh - you pressed F2 - BLUE LIGHT!" but who has priority? Does the Midi mapping recognize the button, do whatever you assigned and THEN Remotify finds out and lights the blue light? How does this work? Does this break the script when they are arguing about who responds to that button?

IF your button action does something that is recognized by Remotify (like A/B or clip actions) then Remotify will still show this. (i.e. I use other controllers to start scene's or clips, but of course the IN/OUT on the Remotify device shows that it started and changes the stop button to red and so on.

Finally, since what I'm sayin is that there is a chance it has to be tested and so on, it's not worth putting something like DrumPads or Instrument control on the backburner!!!!



Pro User

Okay I got it - thanks for the explanation, pp :)
If there will be any idea for a workaround or even a new function, I'm super keen on it! Maybe Ableton 10 brings us some additional features or workflow here.

Forum Admin

What picky-picasso said :)

Pro User

@John, Hi just to pick in her, I have some experience in mapping buttons, LED's and scenario's for traktor pro. Actually i'ts worth taking a look how troktor pro2 handles this because except for the language (what's very different) it's actually in situatons as this pretty good in handling those things.

They work with 'modifier states' and depending on a modifier state.

For example:
if modifier 4 state = on , then blue
if modifier 5 state = on , then yellow

If modifier 5 state = on then modifier 4 state = off

This makes very powerfull scenario's, if somehow you can project this from a web layout to python script that's big.

the cmdr tool for traktor pro makes this even clearer, just check it out if you're interested


Forum Admin

Wouldn't a "modifier state" be the same thing as "mode" in Remotify?