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Feature Request

Submitted by jeffco on Sat, 03/04/2017 - 11:18
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

I'm not sure if this is even possible but can you create a button for 'add new audio/midi/return track' and a duplicate button please?

Thanks Jeff

5 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Jeff,

What is it you would like to duplicate? tracks, clips or something else?


Pro User

Hi John,

Both really, I mainly use the arrangement view in ableton and usually duplicate across when arranging but sometimes I duplicate tracks for stereo fx or wanting to layer something with the same envelope.

Thanks Jeff

Pro User

Hi John,

Both really, I mainly use the arrangement view in ableton and usually duplicate across when arranging but sometimes I duplicate tracks for stereo fx or wanting to layer something with the same envelope.

Thanks Jeff

Forum Admin

I would have thought these should both be possible. I've came across a function for duplicating of (i think) clips. I'll add these to our user requests.


Pro User

cheers mate