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Exclusive Arm

Submitted by vishesche on Mon, 12/21/2020 - 05:54
Control Surface Studio User

hi, i have exclusive arm checked in live preferences, but when i arm tracks from my controller its not exclusive, multiple tracks can be armed, id like it to only arm the track i armed and switch off arm on all other tracks.
can this be done in CSS ?
if so how?

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4 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

similarly for solo too...if needed

Forum Admin
Control Surface Studio User

Hello John, I have the same problem as mentioned above: although I have "record arm exclusive" checked in the record warp launch settings, this doesn't affect the midi input from the script. Multiple tracks are still armed by the script, independent of this setting.
In the referred thread above, it's only mentioned to check "record arm exclusive", but as mentioned that doesn't affect the way the script affects the arm buttons.

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