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Exclusive Arm & Exclusive Solo added!

Submitted by JohnC on Thu, 09/21/2023 - 15:21
Forum Admin
Control Surface Studio User

Hi all,

Exclusive Arm & Solo is now available for Arm & Solo mapping types.
Make sure to turn these options on in Ableton Live's "Preferences > Record Warp Launch" tab.

This is an update directly on our server so no need to re-download Control Surface Studio. Simply re-generate your script! :)

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16 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Awesome! But when I re-installed my script, the arm action no longer works. (Solo and mute do, curiously)

Forum Admin

Thanks, I will investigate this.

Forum Admin


I just tested arm and solo with exclusive active and deactivated, both appear to be working ok.

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks for looking into it. Can you see any obvious reason why it wouldn't work for me with this setup? It used to work before this change (but ignoring exclusive arm).

BTW, here is another action that doesn't do anything: self.song().view.highlighted_clip_slot.fire(None, None) - shouldn't that simply fire the highlighted clip slot?

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Forum Admin


I just checked it again (including selected track arm) and it all appears to be ok. Do you have any reactions which are altering the state of the track arm?

For clip fire, if you're not entering any action parameters, then the code should look like this (remove: None, None):
Change it to 'custom code', then you can edit the code itself

Control Surface Studio User

Huh, now I'm completely lost; I reinstalled the script again, and now Live doesn't see the script at all (it's not available from the dropdown in settings). I've also got a script for my MF Twister, and it works just fine, and the folders are both there, next to each other, in the MIDI remote scripts folder, containing the same number of files. I'm sorry for hijacking this post, it seems like there's definitely something weird going on in my end? Should I start from scratch? Would I benefit from using the new CSS version?

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Control Surface Studio User

Actually, this message pops up in the new version (attachment), but aside from the two things I've mentioned above, both scripts have been working just fine up until now... :(

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Control Surface Studio User

So I decided to rebuild the whole script in 2.8, and I simply don't understand why Track arm won't work... Everything else is working now, except for this one. I've tried to assign it to different buttons too, no luck.

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Forum Admin


I can't really say what the issue is from that information.
He's a video tutorial about what to do if your script isn't showing: https://youtu.be/1SyiCH8BCiI?si=nkzc5Zm8TLcNya7O

Control Surface Studio User

Yeah, thanks again. The script *is* showing after I rebuilt it in 2.8, but still no 'Track Arm'... :(

Control Surface Studio User

Hi, I have CSS 2.8.1 and Track Arm does not work when exclusive arm is turned on in Ableton.
When I turn off exclusive arm it works as expected.
Solo works without any problems regardless of exclusive setup.

Any thoughts?

I get the the following errors in log after pressing arm button on APC40 mk2 (exclusive arm on):

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/ControlSurface.py", line 425, in receive_midi
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/ControlSurface.py", line 434, in _do_receive_midi
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/ControlSurface.py", line 450, in handle_nonsysex
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/Launchpad/ConfigurableButtonElement.py", line 80, in receive_value
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/ButtonElement.py", line 142, in receive_value
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/InputControlElement.py", line 489, in receive_value
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/SubjectSlot.py", line 72, in notify_method
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/Signal.py", line 96, in __call__
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/Signal.py", line 14, in default_combiner
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/Signal.py", line 101, in _slot_notification_generator
File "output/Live/mac_universal_64_static/Release/python-bundle/MIDI Remote Scripts/_Framework/Signal.py", line 24, in __call__
File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Suite.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/css_apc_7/css_apc_7.py", line 1976, in midi_note_ch_0_val_48_mode1_listener
File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Suite.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/css_apc_7/css_apc_7.py", line 5216, in pick_brain
File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Suite.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/css_apc_7/css_apc_7.py", line 5251, in bool_brain
self.song().tracks[index].arm = False
The Track in question cannot be armed!

Forum Admin

Have you edited the code manually?
This code.... self.song().tracks[index].arm = False
Doesn't exist in the 'bool_brain' method.
In any case, its telling you what the issue is: The Track in question cannot be armed!

I've tested exclusive arm multiple times and it works completely fine for me.

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks for your answer.
I've never edited the script manually.
And what this message even mean? I don't get what is the "track in question".

I can normally arm/unarm any of the tracks in ableton UI. The issue occurs only when I try to do it with a controller/CSS script.

Attached is the piece of code you are referring to. I'm not a programmer but can clearly see this line is there and it was generated by CSS.

Control Surface Studio User

I figured it out. It happens when in the session there are tracks without arm button. For example MIDI track with "MIDI From" set to no input or group track.

When I deleted these 2 kind of tracks arm feature started working.
Have you tested such scenario?

Forum Admin

Thanks for the details! this is now fixed.
Re-generate your script and MIDI tracks without an arm button won't cause a problem.

Control Surface Studio User

Thank you, I can confirm this is working correctly now.