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Duplication button (feature request)

Submitted by jeffco on Tue, 01/23/2018 - 06:52
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John,

I have an APC 40 mk2 and for the best part is great, but I feel it's missing a few things.
Is it ok to upload the standard scripts and add my own stuff on top?

Also is it possible to have a mapping for duplicate (ie track/clip) as I use it all the time and create new midi/audio track please?

Thanks Jeff

1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Jeff,

You won't be able to upload the standard script, only json files which are created by Remotify can be used.
You can however, create a separate script with the extra functioanlity you need and use the scripts at the same time in Ableton. Just assign both of them to the same controller.
