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Duplicate selected track? (/reactions for selected track)

Submitted by fatherservo on Thu, 08/06/2020 - 11:45
Control Surface Studio User

I think this is a feature request as I can't get it to work.

I can duplicate a specific track by number, but that's kinda useless to me. I'd like to map a button to duplicate the selected track, but I have no idea how to focus a reaction to the selected track (or if it's possible at all).


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7 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Also @John have you ever considered making a subreddit for this community? I think it'd be much easier to navigate than this community page and would probably also get some extra attention for the product!

Control Surface Studio User

I guess this can also be expaned too to explain more of what I'm after.

I can quantise a midi clip if I'm in session view, but not in arrangement view. I don't use session view - is this somehow possible?

Control Surface Studio User

I've tried using highlighted_clip_slot instead of highlighted_clip_slot, script installs and is working, but doesn't quantize the clip in detail view.

Forum Admin

Hey :)

I'm 99.9% sure that you will be able to duplicate the currently selected track with a reaction mapping.
I will investigate and get back to you here ASAP.

With regards to a subreddit, this could be a good idea, however requiring people to search in yet another place for info could be annoying. Improving our forum is probably a better idea at the moment. If you have any recommendations for it I'm all ears.

Arrangement view isn't very 'mapping friendly' unfortunately so this may not be possible.

You said:
"I've tried using highlighted_clip_slot instead of highlighted_clip_slot,"
Am I reading that wrong or did you put the same thing twice? lol :p

Control Surface Studio User

haha yeah I meant I used 'detail_clip' instead of highlighted clip slot.

Yeah currently not being able to focus reactions on selected tracks is my main issue. I've managed to get tracks to fold now but as far as I'm aware I can only do it to a numbered track - that said, my primary goal for folding tracks would be to fold every single track so I can easily access my group mappings. However it would be nice to be able to unfold a group quickly once it's selected too.

My main issue with the forum is it seems to send me an email when I comment on one of my posts - but not when you do! haha. and since you're the helpful one around here that's not too useful.

Gotta say thanks btw, you really do try and make stuff work for everyone here and I can see it's a lot of work you put in. I've had a lot of fun (and stress) the past few days making my controller as powerful as possible after buying a Push and finding it didn't add to my workflow like I thought it would (because I'm an arrangement view type of guy).

Also I realised in the LOM there's a mapping for track name, i've not had any luck with it though. Could this not be used to jump to specific track names?

Control Surface Studio User

I've tried replacing track[0] with selected_track (and selected_track[0]), the script installs and is running but it doesn't seem to actually function (testing with the collapse option so of course on a group track). I feel like I alllmost grasp the M4L code but can't ever seem to quite get it running.

Forum Admin

I've attached a script containing 1 reaction which duplicates the currently selected track.
Import it into CSS and check the reaction named 'duplicate selected track'.
In the 'Do this...' section there is 1 action. The second input box in this contains this: self.selected_track_idx() - 1
This is the piece needed to get the position number of the currently selected track.
you can simply move this reaction to your own script, set the button you want to use in the 'when this changes...' section and you will be good to go.

Thanks for the info regarding the forum, we will try and get this fixed up quickly.
And thanks for the kind words! :)