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Duplicate clip.

Submitted by akke27 on Wed, 09/16/2020 - 06:05
Free User

Is there any way I can duplicate clip slots using Remotify in Live.
I did use Remotify upon the initial release and I've asked this question then. It wasn't possible then but after 4 more years, there might have been an update that can achieve this.

I would really appreciate it if anyone has a suggestion or a workaround If this isn't possible with Remotify
Thanks a lot in advance ;)

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8 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Yes you can using reactions; the LOM specifies "duplicate_clip_slot" as a function and reactions can easily access it. How do you want to manage it is the question? Duplicate to next or overwrite a specified target etc?

Free User

Thanks for the reply.
Wow! There are lots of awesome updates since I have been here. lots of new possibilities with the new control surface studio. I have figured out what "reactions" are but I'm having trouble understanding what LOM is.
As for your question, I would need to duplicate the currently playing clip to the that same tracks next clip slot .Therefore duplicate to next clip.

Control Surface Studio User

Lom = live object model
Reactions are powerful but do take a bit to get around. Watch some of the remotify vids eg on youtube mapping leds, its gives you a bit of an exercise to follow
Reference is here: https://remotify.io/tutorials/reactions-reference-guide

Ive asked for an lom repository so users can refer to it with small snips just like your example

Control Surface Studio User

I couldnt actually find a direct access to the index required for the clipslot so I did the argument in long hand...hopefully helps you a bit.

In case it gets lost;


Attn John; might be good to get an entry in the reactions drop down to shorthand the clipslot index? Unless I am missing it...but couldnt see it (except playing_clipslot_index in LOM)

Free User

Thanks again for your generous contribution and apologies for the late reply, its been quite a week.
To be honest most of what you said in the 2nd post flew over my head. Its just a little bit advance for me. But I am pretty sure I'll be able to figure it out once I dive deep into it. I'll be able to work on this once I get more free time and especially when I get my controller in the near future. Thanks! :)

Control Surface Studio User

No worries...you can just import the json file in and drag the reaction from my example script into your actual script...it should just work...does here.

Pro User

Hi :)

this is very interesting, thanks for sharing your knowledge. Could you tell me what I have to enter in the "Do this..."-section to change the input controller from cc to note?

Unfortunately, the documentation is not noob-friendly at all ...

thanks in advance ...

Control Surface Studio User

Hey Image Engine - thanks for the script - imported the clip and got it to duplicate, but it doesn't "select" the updated clip or play it, would be awesome to whilst playing, duplicate and play it going forward. Was this possible?

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