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Drum Rack

Submitted by jeffco on Mon, 12/19/2016 - 23:00
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi All,

I'm new to Remotify, is there a mapping for the drum rack please?

Thanks Jeff

16 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Jeff,

We don't currently have drum rack mapping available at the moment, keep an eye out in the near future though :)

Pro User


Free User

Would also like to see this.

Pro User

has this been established yet?

Pro User

has this been established yet?

Forum Admin

Hi Mike,

Not yet. Do you have any specific requests related to the drum rack?

Pro User

Hi John,

I've been here all of 5 days so forgive my nube-ness...
1) Looking to quickly map the Hercules P32 to a drum rack (multiple drum racks on different tracks possibly with Mode) and easily set custom LED feedback. I have seperately purchased the P32 script which is awesome by the way.

2) Also on the point of LED feedback, is there some way of setting colour which becomes the default state of the controller? P32 doesn't have a controller editor like Numark Orbit or Push where I can achieve this.

3) Also... When mapping notes in a drum rack I'm more used to seeing actual notes eg C3, than numbers. From what I can see notes are numbered 1-127 like CCs is that right?


Forum Admin

Hey Mike,

Welcome to Remotify and the community :)
I'm really happy to hear that you're enjoying the P32 DJ script!

The Remotify App doesn't provide any drum rack controls, however, how you could quickly switch between controlling multiple drum racks is by using "Device Select" mappings.

Lets take the layout of the Kuala script for the P32 DJ as an example (as you have this).
The right set of 16 pads haven't been overwritten with any mappings so they will play the notes of whichever drum rack or instrument is selected.
Now lets say you want to be able to switch between drum racks on tracks 1,2,3 & 4
You could use 4 pads on the left set of 16 pads as "device selectors" (as drum racks are selectable in the device chain).
Create a "device select" mapping for each pad with settings like this:
Mode: 1 (unless you want to use a different mode)
Track Type: specific
Specific Track Number: 1 (this from 1 - 4 would change for each pad )
Device Chain number: 1 (ensure you set this to where the drum rack appears in your chain)

You'll now be able to quickly switch between drum racks on different tracks and use the pads on the right to play the notes.

"3) Also... When mapping notes in a drum rack I'm more used to seeing actual notes eg C3, than numbers. From what I can see notes are numbered 1-127 like CCs is that right?"
This is correct, Remotify only displays midi values, all notes still have midi values.

I hope this helps.



Forum Admin

Here's a screenshot of a Device Select mapping

Pro User

It DOES help! Thanks John. I can follow that fine. The idea of using drum racks on different tracks is actually far more straightforward than mapping to notes up and down 1 particular drum rack as I have been doing.

Any thoughts on 2)? Ultimately I am looking to set up my pads with colours that help me (visual cues) to remember type of sample I've placed on that pad. Colours that show solid (before the pad is played) and change when the pad is played/playing and return to the colour assigned when finished playing. On the P32 the latent state is led off.

Forum Admin

I totally agree mike, switching between tracks is so much simpler to manage.
I take this one step further and have each sample on its own separate track rather than inside the drum rack. The drum rack simply fires the midi to each track whenever I press them. Makes it easier to manage each sample in my opinion.

Regarding 2) changing the pad colours based on state.
If you scroll to the bottom of your "session box" mapping, you'll see an LED Feedback box. This has 14 different "state" options which you can add colour values to.
There's afew states which will cover your needs here
1. clip is stopped (Clip Stopped:)
2. Clip is about to play (Clip Triggered To Play:)
3. clip is playing (Clip Started:)
LED colour values for the Hercules P32 can be found in the LED forum post here: https://remotify.io/community/question/led-feedback-values
Or, import the Kuala script and copy the values set in there :)



Pro User

That's terrific John. Thanks for the dedication to responding. Very refreshing.

Pro User

John I've struck a hitch.
I can change drum racks with a device selector as you have outlined.
I can change the led feedback for the relative state of 'clips' on a track by using the session box mapping.

What I am looking to do is to change the led feedback for pads which are triggering samples in the drum rack. When I have gone into session box mapping this only lets me deal with clips on the track it seems.... how do I drill down to changing pad leds relative to what is happening in the drum rack? I am stuck with the infamous purple flash of the P32 at the moment....

Forum Admin

Yeah, unfortunately we don't have anything to customise the drum rack at the moment :(
You're stuck with the amazing purple animation for now :p
Alternatively, you could create a separate midi track to send the velocity info back to the controller which will light up the LEDS, like how they do it on the launchpad: https://support.novationmusic.com/hc/en-gb/articles/207561475-How-do-I-g...


Pro User

Well that would put some colour into my life. I'll give it a go. Better than the white dullness of nothing going on. Cheers John.

Forum Admin

Haha cool, let me know how it goes!