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Does CSS work with Ableton 10.1.25?

Submitted by qbrd on Thu, 10/08/2020 - 05:12
Control Surface Studio User


Since I upgraded to Ableton 10.1.25 yesterday, I have been unable to use my midi controller mapping and the yellow bar doesn't come up at the bottom to say it's been loaded, nor does my session box show anymore.

I tried to "install" the script again, then reloaded Ableton... I'm using the latest 2.5.5 CSS... This was working yesterday BEFORE I upgraded...


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9 Responses


Forum Admin


Do you have any errors in CSS's error log?

Control Surface Studio User

Im having an issue too, I just bought CSS yesterday and havent been able to make a script work yet. I know the controller works as I can midi map things and they function right that way. I was getting an error about depreciated method or routing (im sorry I dont have it anymore and cant remember exactly, Ill post if it happens again), now Im getting no errors but my controller is in orange on in ableton midi setup (the list of ins and outs where you can select on, sync and remote below the other window) and none of my mapped controls are working.


Control Surface Studio User

Oh this is with the most recent versions of both CSS 2.5.5 and Ableton 10.1.25

Control Surface Studio User

Im not quite sure what happened but I closed out some bome's devices and now its working.

Control Surface Studio User

Ok, so the conflict is between bome's midi translator and the script, I only get one or the other. Im new to bome's so I may be able to figure out a workaround yet but in case I cant....

Im using bome's to turn some buttons into keystrokes so I can navigate the browser and load audio clips. Would it be possible to turn midi messages into keystrokes inside the script? I know its not a feature now but would it be possible?

Forum Admin

Hey there, its not possible to turn midi messages into keystrokes unfortunately, that would be a whole other thing to what our App is for. Glad you figured out the bomes/CSS issue though! :)

qbrd: I tested with the latest version of CSS (2.5.5) and Ableton Live (10.1.25) and it works fine.
One thing to note though, I had to download the update of Live manually as auto update wouldn't do it for some reason. When installing it, it deleted/moved all scripts in the midi remote script folder. So I had to re-install them from CSS again.
Check the list of scripts in Live's preferences window to ensure that your scripts still exist and if not, re-install.


Control Surface Studio User

Yeah, I got it to work great so long as bome's is not involved. What I was trying to do was use a handful of buttons on my controller to send keystrokes to navigate to and through the file browser and have the rest of the buttons work via css script to control the mix. Not sure why but I cant get the script to pass midi thru bome's so I can do both. I saw you mention in a different post that sysex might be possible which would solve the other puzzle Im trying to figure out which is browsing plug-in presets. Even without youve built a great app here.

Control Surface Studio User

If theres a way to browse for audio clips with straight midi that would be just as good or even better than keystrokes tbh... i know theres a hook for browser focus in the code but not sure if highlight nav would still work in the browser then, but it be perfect if it did.

Control Surface Studio User

Bome hogs the midi inputs...even if you start it second...over time it can take over the midi input and depending on what you have running, it will also disable Live midi inputs. I just turn off Bome when Im developing and use the midi loopback of Bome ie midi virtual ports to stop all the fuss as they are multi client