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Disable Session Box LED Control

Submitted by Image_Engine on Wed, 08/11/2021 - 05:02
Control Surface Studio User

I have to use a session box when navigation to another mode...which is fine...but Im managing all the LED interaction with reactions.


I have ALL the session box LED assignments set to none
In various instances, ie track arm, the session box seems to be getting called after my code and turning the LEDS off in that track ei because the session box is the last call regardless of its positioning.


The easy fix is just to set up a box outline to maintain visual cue but how can a minimal box be set up?

I mucked around with SessionComponent but a simple example of a barebones setup would be amazing

ie just the frame, no clipslots, no skinning etc


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7 Responses


Forum Admin


Untested but try this...
In def session_box:
Comment out all of the lines which have a call to 'feedbackArr'

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks John
Also, this code worked previously but now does not


as a parameter for a GUI Loop?

This is being called in a mode that def has a sessionbox defined and sits above the code in the heirarchy


Control Surface Studio User

Actually, the ':' was being wrapped back on to the next line...wasnt doing that before and I have no way I could do that during compilation

Control Surface Studio User

But Still having the issue


Creates the error;

(TEST) There's a problem with 'Action Block 2' in reaction 'K41.01-64 LED mode refresh' (from 'modifier - m11 modifier was updated' listener) >>
>> 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'width'

Control Surface Studio User

Sorry if its not clear;
Why is this now not working when it worked a while back;


ie nothing has changed in code or positioning and this was previously used across the project


Forum Admin

This error...
'NoneType' object has no attribute 'width'
sounds to me that you're trying to call _session.width before the sessionbox has been created in the order of the code.

Control Surface Studio User

Yep...thats what I thought but I have tried it as the first element in the mode and then as the last element with exactly the same nonetype ie undefined reference....thats the weird thing; just doesnt make sense. self._sess...that is referring to the session box locally defined for the mode. I am using the reference in modifier listener script ie global reference