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Device order selection criteria - last device?

Submitted by extralifedisco on Fri, 03/18/2022 - 23:06
Control Surface Studio User

I'm quite new to remotify but I've programmed python remote scripts before so I sort of know the Ableton API. I have a homemade MIDI controller with lots of knobs and I'd like to create a remote script that lets me control a large audio effect rack at the end of every track's signal chain. This would let me mix with a custom channel strip a-la Softube's Console 1. I am considering upgrading to Control Surface Studio, for this purpose but it's not clear to me how the selected device can be mapped correctly.

It looks in all the examples/videos that mapping to a specific device on the selected track is done by choosing its order from the beginning, e.g. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. I often mix with lots of different devices in the signal chain, so I'm really only interested in mapping the last, or 2nd-to-last, or 3rd-to-last devices (even if there are many other FX preceding it). Is it possible to choose a specific device by name, or by order from the end of the chain? Or would this only be possible by creating dummy/group tracks or some other workaround?


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3 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello extralifedisco,

On top of my head, I see two solutions (I am pretty sure there are more):

  • Name the effect rack (for instance: fxRack1).
    Make a Mode called 'FXRack1': here you do all your mappings for the device 'fxRack1'.
    Make a Reaction: if selected device name == fxRack1 --> go to mode x (x being the number for mode FXRack1).
  • Make a Reaction that counts the number of devices. self.get_num_of_devices("view.selected_track")
    Put that number in a modifier
    Then select the last (or last but one..) device (with that modifier) and map the selected device.

I find the first solution the most elegant and flexible, I use it myself for selecting my VST's or other devices and I find it very quick and easy. But then again someone might come up with an even better solution for your case. :-)
Hope this answers your question.

Control Surface Studio User

Ah, thanks for the detailed help! I hadn't quite understood the flexibility of reactions. I'll have to dig a little deeper into the documentation.

Control Surface Studio User

Yes, it is pretty powerful since you can match any Listener to any Action available.
Since there is also a possibility to write your own code in Python (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bsHKEexXrk), you will be able to do even more :-)