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Device Bank selection swapped ring led feedback on Midi fighter Twister

Submitted by thx538 on Mon, 03/28/2022 - 12:45
Control Surface Studio User

Good morning,
When using CSS with a midi fighter twister I have noticed that the ring led feedback on the MFT is inverted if I use a bank selector, eg. selecting Bank 1 (8 knobs) will set the ring led values (on the controller) to the values of Bank B (8 knobs) and vice versa.
As a consequence turning a given knob will abruptly change parameter values and parameters are not refreshed correctly when navigating from tracks to tracks.

Please see attached script #1 (correct) and #3 (incorrect) which is a copy of #1 with bank selection added.

Thanks for your support.

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4 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Hello thx538,
I don't have a MF Twister to test on, but I tried your code on another Midi controller and it works over here.
The correct parameters are triggered on any track, the leds work as they should, they also update when I change from Bank 1 to 2 and vice versa.
I can't see anything wrong here, is it possible that for instance the Midi CC value of Button 23 and 24 are switched in the Controller Template?

Control Surface Studio User

Hello again,
I have spend extra time verifying every possible parameter and still can't get it (See attached configuration).
I have made a small video showing that the bank switcher works correctly (as reported by the script in Live status bar), but Ring Led Feedback is inverted.
Link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JjgkHW-kgCcv-Pu1oXHsZ003g6mHqz34/view?u...

Thanks again for your support

Control Surface Studio User

Hello thx538,
Thank you for the .json file, clear phrasing and video! That helps a lot. :-)
Selecting another bank doesn't update your LEDs, it seems as the Midi values aren't picked up., Are you getting any errors in your log?
For now, I see two possibilities:

  • When I checked your script, I saw that 'Parameter 1' and 'Parameter 2' of 'Device Bank 1' both have 'LED Feedback' set on 'Custom'. Try to leave it on 'Default', it could be that this breaks your code inside the parameter bank. (also, some people have experienced that their scripts work all right after a restart, but normally that is not necessary, I am just mentioning it here.)
  • As you probably know there is a software called 'Midi Fighter Utility' that updates your device to the latest firmware and also lets you check the configuration of your MF Twister. Maybe there is a feature that enables the LED Feedback or even enables 'Pickup'-mode?

You might have already tried them, so let us know what your findings are.
Good luck and till soon!

Control Surface Studio User

Hello and thanks for your answer,
Please note :
1/ My Midi Fighter is running the latest firmware. The utility settings (Color and LED style) are irrelevant in our case.
Please also note that the manufacturer is providing with a custom script (available here: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/2702) which works well for bank switching.
2/ LED Feedback set to "Custom" or "Default" does not change anything (it was part of my test in order to see it it had any influence)
3 / You said "Selecting another bank doesn't update your LEDs" which is not exactly what happens. Indeed Leds are updated but with the wrong bank. I have done an additional test with Bome in between to help you track the problem and which confirms this behavior. See attached image.

Let me know if I can be of further help.
Best regards

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