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Delete Current Highlighted Clip

Submitted by jonathanbaldwin on Tue, 03/28/2023 - 03:03
Control Surface Studio User

How do I delete the clip that is currently selected? You guys had me do a reaction in the older version of .song().view.highlighted_clip_slot.delete_clip()
But I am not sure how to do that in the new version. The one that I tried kept moving the clip down a scene every time I used it.

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3 Responses


Forum Admin

This will delete a clip.
Or you can use the action: 'live object model > clip slot > delete clip'

Control Surface Studio User

The behavior I am getting from this is it moves the current clip down one scene. It does not delete it.

Control Surface Studio User

Actually it does not appear to be doing anything. I had a conflicting script but now that I got it in its own channel it is not doing anything. I am sure I am sending the right midi notes from my controller (double checked it by listening in your app).