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Custom Looper

Submitted by AnthonyM on Tue, 08/31/2021 - 16:22
Control Surface Studio User

Hi Remotify Community
I was hoping someone could help, or i could commission someone to help with setting a midi foot controller (or really any pad controller) to do the following (replicate very similar this controller: Blackstar Live Logic MIDI Control Station

Behringer FCB1010 MIDI Foot Controller

Top row of 4:
Session box
Click once to arm, and record first clip
Click again to record in the next clip slot
Hold down click to stop all tracks in the track
Double Click to delete the latest clip in the track (even if unselected (ie 1st button for first track, 2nd for second track etc)

Bottom Row:
Access drum kit in ableton
bottom left could be linked like a normal midi controller to kick
Next over would be snare
next over would be hi hat

Im not sure how to do this as im not super good on reactions, but if the blackstar can do it, hoping a script can be written as current i waste alot of buttons with css just to do one task each, when id like to combine.

If anyone can help/reach out that would be appreciated.


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6 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

I can appreciate your desire to have a custom looping setup that fits your needs. After considering what you are after, I wonder if you have looked into what Ableton’s Looper provides in this way. With a single tap, the looper begins recording just like a clip. A second tap begins overdubbing, a double tap stops the looper on the track, and a hold while stopped clears the looper, similar to deleting all the clips on the track. This method may even prove superior to the clip method in your case as it allows for overdubbing.
Controlling drum sounds/samples is done by ensuring the midi notes being sent by your controller correspond with the right pads in your drum rack.

One of the more difficult aspects of the FCB1010 is programming it to send notes instead of CC messages if you haven’t already. This will be necessary for both midi mapping Looper’s transport button and triggering drum samples.

Free User

hello there -
i found this thread and the OP wants (wanted?) to do exactly what i plan to do.
i haven't purchased the software yet, because I need to know if i'd be able to execute my plans. the question is, can i create a script that does this:
press button 1 on my controller (airstep) to record in track 1/clip 1. then, have a counter running in the background that goes up with each clip recorded. when the button is pressed again, select and record to clip [number in counter +1] of that track. and do the same for the other tracks,

also being able to register double taps and holds, and assign separate functions for that.

the reason why the looper device in ableton doesn't work proberly is because i use a mix of midi and audio data. i could of course record the audio output of the midi track to an audio track with a looper, but then i can't change the parameters afterwards to alter the sound.

would be very happy if someone could tell me if those functions are possible to set up in this software.

Thanks a lot!

Control Surface Studio User

While CCS may be able to do what you want I have found combining CCS with Max4Live the most powerful. You could create a max patch with a single button that registers the double taps etc. then you would map CCS to this button. (Or possibly not use CCS at all)

For example I'd recommend checking out this MAX4Live patch as an example.

Free User

yeah i've looked into binklooper, seems like a great tool, but more complicated than i'd like.
i don't have a lot of experience in looping so i'd like to keep things simple. i understand the way it works but i feel like it would require me to plan ahead in order to use it properly, and i'm just messing around with improvising for now.

Free User

i will check out what other possibilities max4live has to offer tho!

Control Surface Studio User

First of all, thank you Seth for sharing this great info!! I am very glad I learned about this m4l tool.

Hello prehm,
As a friendly advice, since you are still experimenting, certainly take a look at Live's Looper for audio! It is easy to use and also, there is something to say about committing to audio ;-)
For Midi, I guess you can set up the 'Trigger Session Record' and 'Set Session Record' actions as a looper device to create an easy-to-use looper.

I wish you a fertile look around :-)