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CSS Select current playing Clip and Duplicate, double and delete

Submitted by AnthonyM on Sat, 04/17/2021 - 14:39
Control Surface Studio User

Hi John/everyone

Setting up a cool script for my novation mini, really getting into the groove with the software now

Was wondering if anyone knew what the reaction was to: select the current playing clip and duplicate and then play

There is script on the forum but it doesnt select or play, just duplicates so isnt helpful for what i would like to do.

Additionally if there was a reaction to select within the midi notes section (beleive you can midi map that in Ableton) and double the length that would be super handy for automation recording on longer sessions.

Think this has been asked before if if there was a way to actually hold down a button for delete and press a clip slot to delete that particular slot, that would be really amazing. Think its part of the new reactions from the forum?


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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Tony,

Keep an eye out for Reaction version 2, stringing these kinds of functions together will be much easier.

Control Surface Studio User

Can be done now with reactions pretty easily...


But you need to make a controller for each (pad + qualifier) and replace the ? and ?? with track/slot number

Its a lot of work...if you have eg a 64 pad controller. hehe
