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CSS script not showing in Ableton

Submitted by danicroitor on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 16:26
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Maybe a bug,
I'm exporting my script from the last version of CSS. It goes to the right folder in Ableton but it does not appear in the list in Ableton.

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27 Responses


Forum Admin

Do you have any errors in your Error Log?

Pro User


Pro User

actually yes!

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Pro User

the thing is that I've tried with brand new script, I've just added the Mode. and it does not show up in Ableton

Forum Admin

I see this causing the error: 12_id_235
Have you named something '12' rather than using letters/words?
Naming mappings with numbers at the start will crash the script and yeah prevent it from showing in Live.

Pro User
Pro User

I think that was it.

Pro User

Hi there. Thanks for pointing out this post Dani. I've checked my script and can't find anything beginning with a number. How sensitive is this? For example I have "M4L " and "LP-1" and "LP-2" as names for controllers. Is that too number sensitive? There are errors in the log.txt but I dont know how to interpret them. There seems to be a problem in line 49?
Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/css_slmk2_impro/css_slmk2_impro.py
1600 ms. RemoteScriptError: ", line
1600 ms. RemoteScriptError: 49
1600 ms. RemoteScriptError:

1600 ms. RemoteScriptError:
1600 ms. RemoteScriptError: self.controller_LED_on =

also a syntax error later on??

I attach the json and the log.txt.

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Forum Admin

Hi Maikoos,

It sounds like the attached Controller for your script is missing LED On and LED Off settings.
In the Controller Manager, open the Controller's settings form and set these.
See the attached screenshot.

You also said:
"How sensitive is this? For example I have "M4L " and "LP-1" and "LP-2" as names for controllers. Is that too number sensitive?"
This should be fine. It's only an issue if you begin the name with a number.

Pro User

Thanks John that worked. Ableton now sees the script in the preferences BUT it doesnt work at all.
None of the controls work. Very strange as this script worked almost perfectly before the update. Not sure what's been lost in translation.
Is it to do with the LED implementation perhaps? If I set the Global LED feedback to ON do the feedback settings for the individual controllers in CSS need to be OFF? OR if the CSS script is sending feedback to a controller on the KB that doesn't have an LED will that result in an error?
I attach the latest log.txt, and CSS json file (which is the same as above)
Also in the remote script folder there seems to be 2 json scripts number 19 and 24, whats going on there? (See screen shot.)
Thanks John,

Forum Admin

Hi Maikoos,
Thanks for posting your log.txt file. I can see that the script is erroring due to this line:
self.global_feedback_active =
To fix it, in your script's settings form, set 'global feedback' to custom then select an option for the Global Feedback on/off option below it. Do the same for LED On / Off too if they don't already have an option set.
(see the attached screenshot).
The script settings override the Controller Default LED settings. You can now set this back to 'Default' if you don't want to override the Controller's LED settings.
Probably best to go into your Controller's settings form too and make sure you have options for LED On and Off set. As if they're blank this can also cause an error.

LED Feedback options work like this.
Mapping LED Feedback Options override the Script's Global LED Feedback settings. And the Script's LED settings override the Controller's Default LED settings.

The reason for you having 2 json scripts is probably because at some point you have created a script with the exact same name as previous script.

Pro User

Hi John
Thanks for the trouble shooting. I've gone through and adjusted all the LED feedback settings as advised,. We're nearly there I hope. Script is half working though I still am getting lots of errors (see the attached log.txt file) and corresponding non functioning controls.
One issue that stared ocurring before the update and is continuing on is that when I select a device, particularly if its embedded in a chain, it no longer displays in the bottom LH corner of Live. It selects, but doesnt display. In the past whenever I selected a device that device would be lined up on the bottom LH side of the screen (see examples attached)
Also a question regarding text feedback. I'm wondering if its possible to have real time feedback of text such as names and controller info as you move around live, like with the Push or with my keyboard the Novation SLMK2. With the supplied Novation template you see the names of devices displayed in the LCD window on the Kb.
Just a thought.



Forum Admin

Hey Mikey,

I had a look at your log.txt file see this error repeated a few times:
414134 ms. RemoteScriptError: AssertionError
414134 ms. RemoteScriptError: :
414134 ms. RemoteScriptError: Registry key (176, 0) registered twice. Check Midi messages!

The only time this error appears with Control Surface Studio Scripts is when you duplicate MIDI Messages for Inputs in your Controller. By duplicates I mean that they have the exact same MIDI Channel, Type and Value settings. Each Input in your Controller should be unique with at least one of these.
We will add an automatic check for this in the near future but in the meantime I would advise you to check all your Input MIDI Messages.

There's another error:
4788 ms. RemoteScriptError: ImportError
4788 ms. RemoteScriptError: :
4788 ms. RemoteScriptError: No module named nanoKONTROL
4788 ms. RemoteScriptError:

But I don't think this is related to a CSS Script as we don't use anything from the nanoKONTROL script.

Thank you for the Feature Request regarding text feedback, this is an interesting one which we have made a note of.



Pro User

Hi John,
Hope its not too hot for you over there at the moment.
Thanks for the suggestion. I checked my controller midi messages and sure enough the keyboard I'd put on the controller was sending the same CC message from each key. Strange but pre update that hadnt been an issue. Maybe pre update it was sending note on/off messages to different notes by default? That has resolved that issue so thanks. The NanoKontrol refers to another script I have for the a different setup so not relevant to this one.
Also putting the ADVANCE script into the Ableton live remote script box has fixed the problem with devices not diplaying properly.



Control Surface Studio User

Hi John, I'm having a similar problem. My css scripts are appearing in the "Midi Remote Scripts" folder but Ableton is not seeing them and making them available in its drop down list. I removed all numbers from the Script Name and I changed the Global Feedback to "Custom" and ensured LED values were present (127 = On; 0 = Off). I'm on a Windows PC and I should add that everything was working fine until I updated from Ableton version 10.0.6 to version 10.1.1. The two separate Log files attached are from each of the Ableton versions.

Forum Admin

Hi Neil,

It's is very strange that none of your scripts appear in the 10.1.1 list.
From looking at both log.txt files there was an error showing in 10.0.6 for your script: css_nca_red_box_script_02
This doesn't even appear in 10.1.1
This leads me to think that there is a new midi remote script folder for 10.1.1.

In your email you also sent you said you changed the location of midi remote script folder in your settings but did you re-install the scripts into the new midi remote script folder?

Also, is the midi remote script folder in your screenshot from this location:
\ProgramData\Ableton\Live 10.1.1\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\
And not
\ProgramData\Ableton\10.0.6\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts\

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks, John. I have a few computers to compare when trouble-shooting. Long story short, the scripts worked on a computer that was updated to version 10.1.1 "properly" but the scripts didn't work on the computers that were updated to version 10.1.1 "wrong' (i.e., resulting in two instances of several Ableton folders). So, I just decided to completely uninstall Ableton and reinstall it. That solved the problem and I'm back on track. :)

Forum Admin

Cool, glad you have solved this.

Free User

Hello i am unable to locate the ableton scripts within my midi tab in ableton could I get some assistance with this ?

Forum Admin


Have you configured your settings correctly in the settings menu?
Here is a tutorial on getting setup, this should help you: https://remotify.io/product/control-surface-studio/documentation/step-by...

Pro User

What I found out is that, for no reason scripts don't get showed in Ableton. I can create just now a new script and sync and for sure it won't show in Ableton.
What i've noticed is that... after a while it shoes :) really weird and random.

Control Surface Studio User

Hello, I am new to Control Surface Studio and am having difficulty getting Ableton Live 10.1 Standard to respond. I've created a controller template for the Remote SL 25--I guess it's the "Classic" older version of the SL?. I've also created an incomplete script, which includes transport controls for play, stop, record, and loop. I've attached the template for reference. Incidentally, when I launch the session file that has the css remote sl script preselected, a midi instrument generates a feedback loop until I press stop in the application.

Any assistance to get me headed in the right direction would be much appreciated.



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Control Surface Studio User

I just wanted to update my post of yesterday. I got the transport controls in mode 1 of my Remote SL script to work.... I think I can figure out the rest. It helped to go through the tutorial videos again slowly.

I will upload a final version of my template and script once they're complete.



Forum Admin

Thanks for the update Bill, glad to hear that you figured it out.

Control Surface Studio User

my CSS script has quit showing up in the Ableton control surface drop down too.

I've tried restarting my computer, restarting Ableton, manually deleting the script from Ableton resource, but nothing works.

Any recommendations on how to get this showing up again so I can continue attempting a working script? Thank you.

I have attached files for reference. Also, though the script install gives me the green success indicator, here is an error I'm getting in the Log:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Suite.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/css_mochte_ableton_11/__init__.py", line 2, in
from .css_mochte_ableton_11 import css_mochte_ableton_11
File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Suite.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/css_mochte_ableton_11/css_mochte_ableton_11.py", line 3084
if (self.midi_cc_ch_7_val_68 == ):
invalid syntax
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Suite.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/css_mochte_ableton_11/__init__.py", line 2, in
from .css_mochte_ableton_11 import css_mochte_ableton_11
File "/Applications/Ableton Live 11 Suite.app/Contents/App-Resources/MIDI Remote Scripts/css_mochte_ableton_11/css_mochte_ableton_11.py", line 3084
if (self.midi_cc_ch_7_val_68 == ):
invalid syntax

Control Surface Studio User

FYI. I resolved this by creating a new script and copying all of the elements from the original script over.

Forum Admin

The error above would have been cause by a 'condition' in a reaction mapping not being fully completed in its settings.
You just needed to complete it or delete the condition.