CSS Questions

Hello there, Peepz!...
When I export scripts CSS says it's complete, but the script doesn't appear in Live's MIDI Remote Script folder. What am I missing??? ...
hmmm... Any idea what I'm doing wrong?...
Good morning, I have noticed that when a modifier (m3) is used to control a parameter, no feedback is provided to the controller, as a opposed to when the mapping is static....
When I get close to Device Mapping, I get an error "Control does not exist in this session" ...
I'm trying to move through sends M3=0=#forSendA, pressbutton: M3=#forSendB pressbutton: M3=#forSendC...
I think I can use Reactions to do this, but is there not a simpler (more elegant) way to highlight eg the first track of the session box?...
If I've added a keyboard, can I also add octave shifting or is that only at the controller level? (In which case can I have octave shift buttons on the controller? ...
Hey, i am new to this wonderful place but i struggle to get something done. How can i get the name and the value of the "Sends" of each track. ...
Good morning, This is my first trial with reaction so thank your for your patience....
Hi, noob here ! So, I'm trying to do that, same value at the same time for each track volume assigned. ex : fader 1 = vol tracks 1, 3, 5....
I'm finding that the selected parameter bank is only stored and retrieved per script mode, and not per device....
