CSS Questions

I’m trying to navigate right and left through return tracks with MIDI buttons using Reactions....
I have "Track - Set Input Routing Type" working great. Is there a way to set the value using something other than name?...
Hi, I'm trying to set the modifier value from the user.py file. Or find a way to comunicate from the user.py file to use reaction, in my control surface script....
Hello, I'm looking to use the "script" commands (like set selected track, set the value of a modifier, etc) in the user.py file....
I have a momentary button and I wanna send my send1 to max value (127). I also have a Knob1 that controls the send1. But additionally I want to have a that momentary button....
Hello! I'm having a hard time to implement a feature in my remote script. Can somebody give me some hints how this is possible?...
I have an effects rack, with all 16 macros assigned, that I include in all tracks of my template. I use the Device Selector for each track to control all of them based on where the Session Box is....
In Mackie mode, the Behringer BCF2000 sends pitch bend values for each of the faders. ...
Noobie here... How do I ignore folded tracks with Highlight Navigation? Using two K2's, selecting each track with the buttons up top....
Is there an existing CSS feature that enables long-press to act differently than short-press? I have a button assigned to change Mode. ...
Hello! is it posible to zoom out the Detail/clip view in session mode? Example. after doing a reaction with: self.song().tracks[0].clip_slots[0].clip.view.show_loop()...
Has anybody been able to change colors of the LEDs or template change on the Launch Controle XL...
Hallo, I have a big trouble withe the script, I can use every Stock instrument and there in every Button and Knob when I map it in the scrip....
