CSS Questions

I download the Windows version from Remotify....
I feel like I've been learning very quickly, but now I've got a question that I think would benefit from someone who knows more specifics about reaction definitions....
Hello all! I'm pretty new to Remotify and CSS but I'm finding this to be an amazing tool [Mac OS 13.1, Ableton Live 11.2.7, CSS 2.7]. ...
can anyone help me understand what this error is in my script. Thank you! ...
I am trying to work out how to highlight select a track that is hidden in a folded group in the arrangement view....
Hey, is it possible to set the loop position and the loop length not to the highlighted track but to the active track?...
I'm new to Remotify and setting up a script to control Ableton's audio effects (eq8 auto filter) and also simpler. I cannot for the life of me get this to work....
Is there anything in reaction that would enable me to react when a new live set is loaded or opened ? Thanks for your support ...
Trying to map a midi value to pull up and show the plugin window on a certain track. Been searching with reactions and have yet to find anything. Any suggestions? ...
I’m trying to set the color of an encoder ring using Control Surface Studio…...
Hello, Having a hard time with CSS Controller Templates and Scripts for my Xone:K2...
