CSS Questions

Hi all, I'm setting up my Korg NanoControl2 quite successfully. I'm setting up the track buttons, and wondered how can simulate how Live works when Exclusive Arm or Solo are enabled :...
Good morning. I ask my question here since I don't have an answer....
I just installed Ableton Live and Control Surface Studio on a reformatted 2019 MacBook Pro with Intel processor....
Hey everybody, I wanted to know if there's a way to trigger a script after ableton has been opened....
Live 11.2.11 It's about this action: "Track - set mute" aka "self.song().tracks[foo].mute = True"...
How do I delete the clip that is currently selected? You guys had me do a reaction in the older version of .song().view.highlighted_clip_slot.delete_clip()...
I am trying to send LED feedback to a button that flashes to the tempo of the ableton set, but also multiplies/divides based on a parameter of the device (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4 etc.) I see that an...
I am having what appears to be a common problem....
Hi everyone, trying to setup my first script and want to say that it is amazing! But stuck with the problem....
Hi. Question: how can I arm the selected track and unarm all other tracks with one button press?...
Hi , I have managed to set up 2 loopers on 2 tracks. I can cycle through the states of the loopers using mode selectors....
