CSS Questions

Hi Remotify Community. I am currently working on a template that is centered around a selected track's properties....
I've tried multiple approaches and searched this forum, but haven't been able to nail a solution yet....
I have a Faderfox MX-12 (12 tracks) and have a script that successfully does the following: ...
Hi all, I'm scratching my head here....
I was pulling my hair out, wondering why my script changes weren't taking effect....
Hi I'd like to map 2 knobs for setting the start/end markers (simpler) accordingly. How can I define to CSS to distinguish when a knob is turning left and when right?...
Hi I'm making a reaction to assign a button to toggle between session and arrangement views....
I have a Macbook Pro I'm setting up for a portable looping station. Let's just say it has issues and I can't install CSS....
Hello fellow users, I own a Faderfox EC4 and was looking to create a control surface for the following task:...
I've setup my Korg nanoKontrol2 with Pickup takeover on the vol sliders and the pan controls. When I load a new set they jump the first time they're touched....
I'm trying to do the following; When the selected track changes, change the colour of track 1 to yellow Yes it's just a test for now. ...
