CSS Questions

Hi John...and all! Im using capture_and_insert_scene and couldnt find much on the following all_except and couldnt even see it in _framework...
Does anybody know how to map a button to the Randomize Macros button of a Rack? ...
Im not very experienced with the CSS workflow and using reactions, I own an X Touch Compact with 9 motor faders and would like them to automatically map the first 8 faders to the 8 parameters of In...
Hi, How can i loop over a group of tracks? I have identified the group id and it has been stored into the m1 modifier. Now i'm trying to loop over the tracks in this group:...
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right category because it touches multiple areas but maybe you can help me with the following problem:...
*** SOLVED / UPDATE: I figured out what was wrong. It ended up being that my MIDI preferences in Ableton somehow messed up....
Hey, I sure love this product, kudos to the people behind it....
Hello everybody, I use an AKAI APC40 mkII in my setup and I use a most of the features but I would just alter some of the buttons and knobs that doesn't make any sense in my live setup....
Hello, I really need help. I purchased a Nektar Pacer, but I was disappointed with its integration with Live and the fact that there are two buttons that cannot be programmed....
Hi I can't refresh the script unless I totally close the ableton and reopen it, do you have this issue? ...
Hi, so I have been trying to use CSS for a while, and I got an issue. I'm using my Midi Fighter Twister for this....
Hi, I would like to know if CSS is capable for triggering automatically the parameters of selected device. Giving you an example....
Hi, I see a strange problem/bug with self._send_midi(). I use this code to send out parameter values to display on a iPad: This is just an example for parameter 14....
Has anyone had success with setting up a controller button to duplicate a clip slot?...
