CSS Bugs

add_overdub_listener and add_session_record_listener are not working. ...
Is the software seeing note-off with velocity value 127 as a note on?...
Just started using CSS yesterday ... making good progress and figuring things out....
Hi, I followed this tutorial and altered the script to listen to the scene colors what is working nicely:...
When I try to set up a new controller I can't work with any of the dropdowns- nothing is selected....
Hell again! So many questions during these holiday times. =) I could be wrong but this feels like a bug somewhere... ...
Error message get_device_chain_target error: we cant currently handle device selectors of type: Called by config_module...
I'm at my wit's end. Using a midi fighter twister with Live 11. I've been able to get knobs to work when creating new midi scripts, but buttons are not working for some reason....
Got a script with 16 encoders -2 banks (Midi twister) When i switch to bank 2 - The knobs will affect parameters in second bank - so far so good...
Hello, I'm working on Windows 10 and Ableton Live 10.0.11. I just bought CSS, download and launch “ControlSurfaceStudio.exe”....
When changing an input (ie: change Button 1 from CC1 to CC2) any Reaction mapping that uses this input will stop working....
