CSS Bugs

if I have a reaction in which an action block runs "exit reaction here", other reactions with the same listener wont do anything anymore ...
Hi im trying to use the community forum and the reference guide on the website but its looking very strange on safari on a mac. Lots of content is cut off, ads everywhere....
logged into remotify today to work on some templates for launch control XL....
I have very simple script that outputs the selected_device_num whenever a selected device changed listener fires (self.song().view.selected_track.view.add_selected_device_listener)...
New scripts and updates don't show up anymore in live's preferences - scripts list, but they're well installed into Ableton and still appears in Ableton - midi remote scripts......
I'm adding this question to bugs (because it clearly is a bug):...
I have two modes that share all of the same settings except for how the 4 buttons function (technically more, but for simplicity sake...)....
After one month of frustrating I found a BUG in your Scrip. It is not possible to use Devices with Endlessencoders, that's very frustrating. Please FIX it ...
Hi, I've noticed that 2 specific pads on my controller turns off ass soon as I press any other pad that I have mapped inside ableton using "midi map". It is anyway to fix this?...
I'm not sure this is actually a bug but there seems to be an issue when track-incrementing highlight scroll navigation. Maybe the issue is my understanding, maybe it's been reported before....
I'm having a problem configuring Knob 13 Button press on my midi fighter twister. No matter what I do, it seems to act like Knob 1's button press....
Hello, I am using a reaction to assign a specific routing destination to the selected track when I press a specific pad. The command is :...
Hello, I am having trouble. I have controller script with 8 pad matri Each pad matrix contains 8 x 8 pads (emulating the Launchpad X custom modes)....
