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CSS 2.7 is now available!

Submitted by Remotify Team on Mon, 06/13/2022 - 13:00
Remotify Team
Forum Admin

Hi all, 
We're happy to announce that version 2.7 of Control Surface Studio is now available.
This update focuses on UI/workflow improvements mainly around the creation and usage of Controller Templates which should help to streamline and speed up the template building process for you all :)
Video Demo:

2.7 Overview
Changelog: https://remotify.io/product/control-surface-studio/changelog

  • Controller Template: Inputs and Controller Template settings forms are now displayed on the right size of the visual midi controller area
  • Controller Template: Export ‘controller template’ button added directly on the visual midi controller area
  • Controller Template: 'input names' are now editable
  • Controller Template: Multiple inputs can now be selected (hold ctrl/cmd + click)
  • Controller Template: Multiple inputs can now be selected
  • Controller Template: Bulk updating of multiple input's MIDI Data and visual sizes
  • Controller Template: Duplicate multiple inputs
  • Controller Template: Delete multiple inputs 
  • Controller Template: An Input will display green while matching MIDI data is being received from a connected midi controller.
  • Scripts & Mappings: ‘add controller template’ button added in the script settings form - Clicking it adds a new controller template and assigns it to the script.
  • Scripts & Mappings: ‘import controller template’ button added in the script settings form
  • Controller Manager: Can now select multiple inputs in Controller Manager (hold ctrl/cmd + click)


  • Controller Template: 'Add Inputs’ menu is now located at the bottom of the visual midi controller
  • Controller Template: When an input is selected, it now has a blue highlight (instead of blue border)
  • Controller Template: Inputs now snap to the grid immediately
  • Controller Template: New inputs are now added to the right of the selected input
  • Controller Template: Improved the visual inputs to align better within the grid
  • Scripts & Mappings: Settings forms for ‘scripts’ and ‘mappings’ are now displayed in the left column (the third panel which opened in the bottom of the right column is now gone)
  • Scripts & Mappings: Controller Template Inputs can now be moved and edited while script manager is viewed (no longer need to be controller manager view)
  • Controller Manager: Multiple Inputs in Controller Manager highlight when they are selected in visual Midi Controller and vice versa.
  • Controller Manager: Add/Delete/Duplicate/export Input buttons have been removed (they are now available in the visual Midi Controller)


  • Fixed issue with Midi Learn not functioning correctly in previous version.
Topic Category: 

16 Responses


Control Surface Studio User

Can we hide the controller mappings view while programing in the scripts sections?

Forum Admin

Yes you can drag the column divider across the whole screen to the right, so you only see the script manager section.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi guys,
It would be really cool to be able to select all the knobs and faders on the controller page together without going trough them one by one.
Also I think that when you hold the Uppercase and select another button it should select all the knobs in between!

Control Surface Studio User

I'm brand new to Remotify, so apologies if this is in the wrong place, but when I click on any control (knob, button, slider) when trying to build a new template, it does not show up on the grid, nor does it show in a list below my template name. I've got to be doing something really stupidly wrong, but I can't figure out what it is. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Control Surface Studio User

New user here I think I have the same problem. In a video tutorial a new tempo mapping is added. Selecting a knob in the controller template 'auto' changed the 'Controller Input' field, this isn't happening for me. Another thing that is puzzling me, the CSS tutorial videos have a 3 column layout but I only ever have 2 ie when I click an add button the left pane is replaced by the list of options rather than a new middle column being created.

Forum Admin


We removed the panels which used to appear in the right column. This now opens over the left panel.

If you're still experiencing issues with inputs/templates not appearing, please feel free to get in touch via the contact page.


Free User

Hi I'm new here. I would like to ask. Is there any way to be able to use the controller scripts that ableton comes with by default? I mean being able to import them and start editing parameters based on them. I find it very tedious to start a script from scratch, when it could save a lot of time going directly to the things I want to modify.


Control Surface Studio User

Hi I'm also new and having trouble using motorized faders which send pitch bend.
How can I use them?
Besides that it's a lot of fun using this software!


Control Surface Studio User

Is there a good reason for removing the floating panel over the left panel? This feels like a step backwards because we need more clicks to do the same thing. Having the panel pop up automatically on the right when I click on a mapping allows you to step through the mappings easily.

Also in the videos you can assign the knob for a mapping by clicking on the controller view, This doesn't; work for me and I have to manually select the knob from the popup list. Again this feels like a step backwards.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi, it looks like a lot of great functionality was added in this version. But I agree with slasi (above) about the panels. I’ve been using CSS 2.7 for a couple of weeks now and it feels like I’ve clicked the tiny close button for over a 1000 times. When I watch videos of the previous version this looks much quicker with the panels and in the end more fun.
That place is now taken by the Controller Templates view, which I so far haven't needed while setting up a script, an if so, it would be just a single click away via the sidebar.
Just as a feedback. In general I'm thankful that this software exists and so many great features become within reach for non-programmers like me.

Control Surface Studio User

Hi, I agree with the panel layout. I found an older version 2.6.3. Any disadvantages to use this version ? Regards, mj

Forum Admin

Hi all, thanks for the feedback.
We're busy working on version 2.8, there will be an improved workflow with regards to these panels.

António Malheiro
Control Surface Studio User

This shouldn't have been an update. I'm having so much trouble making templates. When you add something it doesn't appear. A template disappeared out of nowhere.

António Malheiro
Control Surface Studio User

Dragging and dropping don't work with new objects. This is a mess.

António Malheiro
Control Surface Studio User

Stuff doesn't disappear from the list when you delete it. This is an alpha build.

António Malheiro
Control Surface Studio User

Knobs and endless encoders get assigned exorbitant numbers for no reason when they're the only ones in the template. I could go on...