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Creating a button for Unmute All

Submitted by zenaudio on Sun, 03/17/2019 - 12:39
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hi guys,

First post here and this app is great. My script is slowly coming together and I'm really looking forward to playing out with it soon enough.

I have 8 track mute buttons which are correctly giving LED feedback. What I want to create now is a button which unmutes all tracks.

The method I'm using to do this is creating extra mute toggle functions within each track which are all assigned to one button, as well the the original mute buttons for each track.

I know that in the current version, the script can't listen to changes made directly in Ableton (ie: muting track on Ableton's mixer with the mouse) so when I hit this MASTER MUTE button there is no visual feedback that the tracks are unmuting, so I'm trying to also get the individual mute buttons to listen to this button and change their LED state.

However I can't seem to get it to work and just get errors.

What is the correct method getting one button to listen to another and change the LED state?

I've attached what I'm doing now. Button 9 is a single track mute button. Button 24 is the MASTER MUTE button.

Any help would be amazing.

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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Hey zenaudio,
Great to see you guys on here :)

See the attached image, I think this will work for you.
The 'Track Mute' Listener fires whenever a Mute changes in Live.
In the Condition I'm simply checking the value of the first Mute button is True, as I think we can assume that they will all be the same?
You can keep the Reaction section the same as you already have it.

Here is the Reactions Reference Guide (incase you haven't seen it yet)

Pro User

Amazing John! I had to fiddle with it a little bit but it works. Thanks so much for your input and linking the guide, that's a super helpful reference.

Really excited about this tool. I have been using hardware for live performance for a while now but I think with a bit of work I would love to take this script on stage.