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Created Script is buggy [FIXED]

Submitted by pag on Wed, 01/16/2019 - 22:12
Control Surface Studio User


First of all, congrats for CSS, it's great.
I just created my first Script, it appears in the Remote Scripts folder in finder, but when I load Live, it doesn't appear in the list of available control Surfaces.
I looked at the log.txt file, and I have a Invalid Syntax error message for my script (but I don't have an error message when exporting the Script).

Attached is the zip of the script folder (I changed the extension from .zip to .jpg to upload it).

Thanks for your help

4 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Pierre,

Ah yes I see the error in the code, I will try and get a fix in later today.
Something to note:
In each Send, under 'Select Send', add a number i.e. to control the first send add a 1, second send add a 2 etc...
The reason for that is so you can choose to control an arbitrary selection of Sends, for example, you could have 4 MIDI Controller inputs which control Sends 2,5,7,8 on your track.

p.s. in future, please only upload the .json file from the script, not the entire folder and renaming it to jpg.
But I do admire your ingenuity in getting around our security :)


Forum Admin

p.p.s You can read through log.txt file error directly inside the App.
The error log is found in the header and outputs every remote script error. (it notifies you of errors by displaying a little red dot to the right of the icon).

Forum Admin

This should now be fixed, try installing your script into Ableton again.

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks a lot John, super fast customer support !
It does work now, that's awesome.
Now on to the next question, I'll post it in another thread, it might be helpful for others.